i knooooooooooowwwwwwwww its bad
its just that
i felt lazy and not in the mood to type
tnx for understanding
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Monday, 18 January 2010
praise God!
I passed UP....and it's one of the hardest exams to pass...ty :)
it just goes to show, it doesn't matter how much you know
but how committed you are to what you're doing :)
Congratz to the other UPCAT passers!
it just goes to show, it doesn't matter how much you know
but how committed you are to what you're doing :)
Congratz to the other UPCAT passers!
i wanted to but cant
i wanted to post something but laziness overpowered my fingers sorry!!!
promise that i am gonna post something later or tommorow when I am in the "mooooodd""
God Bless
promise that i am gonna post something later or tommorow when I am in the "mooooodd""
God Bless
Sunday, 17 January 2010
rant...teenage rant...:))
I am gonna do a teenage rant here...and no its not about the world or vulgar words or cursing or emo statements...:)
what's more harder than falling in love? Its falling in Love with the same person over and over again :)!!! HUWAAAAA :P Its hard to let go of her in my mind...her ayiiieeess...and if ur reading this stop laughing :))
what's more harder than falling in love? Its falling in Love with the same person over and over again :)!!! HUWAAAAA :P Its hard to let go of her in my mind...her ayiiieeess...and if ur reading this stop laughing :))
what WE really Believe
So there has been at least, well actually limitless accusations, false accusations on what the Catholic Church believes and practices. Such as Idol Worship, Dead Rituals, Worship of Mary, Pope Messiah and etc. But these are clearly just misrepresentations of what the Catholic Church really believes. So let me give to all of you, point by point on what the Catholic Church believes by using the original Nicene Creed however it's not the one used at the first council of Nicea since it already ended at WE BELIEVE in the HOLY SPIRIT. But rather I am going to use the one formulated during the First Council of Constantinople in the year 381 , and not the Ecumenical Version of the Nicene creed that we normally hear in our day to day lives in the mass.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds- The Lord Jesus Christ is reaffirmed that he is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of GOD. We are all sons and daughters of God, but only Jesus Christ is the begotten son. This clears the claims of false prophets that claims to be Christ, or claims that Christ was begotten after the world, or was created together with the world.
Light of Light, very God of Very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father- Okay now here we see that the creed is getting more deeper, first the Church stated her beliefs on the father and the son, and now the Church reemphasizes that the Son is Light from Light, Very God from Very God, begotten but NOT made, being of one Substance with the father. He is not made after or with the world, and he is God from God. He is not a separate God nor a separate being, but rather the same God as the Father is. They are of one divine nature. Jesus Christ is to be known as True God, thus eliminating the heresy of Arianism
By whom all things were made- All things were made through the word, the word which is Christ as is said on the Gospel of John. The Father being the one who created the world is the creator, and through Jesus Christ he created all things. How do I put this in lay teen's terms? Hmmm, the Father is the Creator and the Words, the Wisdom of the Father is the Son! That's probably the best way to put it ^^....
Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man- So here the mystery of Incarnation is stated. It is re affirmed by the Church that Jesus Christ is God became Man! The Mystery of Incarnation allowed God all powerful to become TRUE MAN, and he was like us in every single way, except in one thing...Sin. It is said here that it is the Holy Spirit that caused the fertilization of Mary's Womb and not of any other human intervention, and here therefore Mary is recognized as the Mother God. She carried God into her womb, and is a perpetual virgin. So the heresy of Nestorianism was stamped out to prove that Jesus too was True Man. Therefore Jesus is True Man and True God. It is stated in this part the very reason of why Jesus assumed manhood, because of our salvation.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried- Here the mission of Jesus is clearly sin and is remembered. The acts done to him and sentenced upon him. He was sentenced under the authority of Pontius Pilate, and it is confirmed the Jesus really did suffered and died. Because he was buried. Duh :)
And the third day he rose again according to the Scripture, and ascended into heaven and sitteth on the Right hand of the Father- So here the glory and the very core of our faith is established. Our belief that Christ defeated death and made heaven possible for us through resurrection and his death on the cross. The council reaffirms that they are basing this on sacred scripture, in the light of Apostolic Tradition. And Jesus sat down in the Right Hand of the Father. A person seating on the right hand is a universal symbolical approach of telling that he is the co-ruler, and son of the Father.
From thence he shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end- Here it is restated that Jesus would come again, and he would come not as a baby or humble man anymore, but in his own fullness of glory as the Son of God and Second Person of the Trinity. He would Judge all those who are quick(living) and the dead alike.After this judgement his everlasting ruling....His kingdom would be eternal and it would have no end. Here the promise of Heaven is re affirmed upon us.
And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord Giver of Life who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father and the son is worshipped and glorified, who spoke to the prophets- Now the 3rd Person of the Trinity on who we believe as the Holy Ghost. The Hoy Spirit, who gives life. It is traditionally accepted that the Holy Spirit is the air that we breathe. The one that gives us life, and connects us to the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son because the Father and the Son loves each other so much and because of that a form of Eternal Love/Bond is between them, thus what we call the Holy Spirit. Together with the Father and Son he is Worshiped and Glorified as God. He is the 3rd person of the trinity. He is the one known to be the one who reveals the things to come to the prophets. He is the one who guided the prophets in writing the books and etc.
In one holy catholic and Apostolic Church- Here the whole the Church professes together in One faith that they Believe that the Church that Christ has established is One meaning United in Teaching and in Doctrine. Catholic which means Universal and is given to all, and Apostolic which means it has the Apostolic Authority conferred to it through the laying of hands since the time of the Apostles.
We Acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins- Here the Church states the need for one to be baptize to be a member of the Church. That in joining the church you are accepting Christ and his death for you. Thus the trace of original sin which has been there is erased through baptism. You are born again in Christ.
We Look for the Resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. AMEN! Here the Church Hopes! Hopes in the promise of Christ for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world...that is yet to come! AMEN
So there you have it, its a serious article, no jokes here and there...Cuz I do get serious from time to time and I deemed it worthy here to be serious on this article since its about my beliefs...God Bless
First Council of Constantinople
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds (æons), Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; from thence he shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spake by the prophets. In one holy catholic and apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
So yeah! To lay this out one by one, I am gonna divide this whole Statement of belief into 12 different parts. Sorry guys if I am kinda serious in this article, I am just not in the mood for now :)
- We believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible
- And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds
- Light of Light, very God of Very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father
- By whom all things were made
- Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man
- He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried
- And the third day he rose again according to the Scripture, and ascended into heaven and sitteth on the Right hand of the Father
- From thence he shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end
- And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord Giver of Life who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father and the son is worshipped and glorified, who spoke to the prophets
- In one holy catholic and Apostolic Church
- We Acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins
- We Look for the Resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. AMEN!
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds- The Lord Jesus Christ is reaffirmed that he is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of GOD. We are all sons and daughters of God, but only Jesus Christ is the begotten son. This clears the claims of false prophets that claims to be Christ, or claims that Christ was begotten after the world, or was created together with the world.
By whom all things were made- All things were made through the word, the word which is Christ as is said on the Gospel of John. The Father being the one who created the world is the creator, and through Jesus Christ he created all things. How do I put this in lay teen's terms? Hmmm, the Father is the Creator and the Words, the Wisdom of the Father is the Son! That's probably the best way to put it ^^....
Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man- So here the mystery of Incarnation is stated. It is re affirmed by the Church that Jesus Christ is God became Man! The Mystery of Incarnation allowed God all powerful to become TRUE MAN, and he was like us in every single way, except in one thing...Sin. It is said here that it is the Holy Spirit that caused the fertilization of Mary's Womb and not of any other human intervention, and here therefore Mary is recognized as the Mother God. She carried God into her womb, and is a perpetual virgin. So the heresy of Nestorianism was stamped out to prove that Jesus too was True Man. Therefore Jesus is True Man and True God. It is stated in this part the very reason of why Jesus assumed manhood, because of our salvation.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried- Here the mission of Jesus is clearly sin and is remembered. The acts done to him and sentenced upon him. He was sentenced under the authority of Pontius Pilate, and it is confirmed the Jesus really did suffered and died. Because he was buried. Duh :)
And the third day he rose again according to the Scripture, and ascended into heaven and sitteth on the Right hand of the Father- So here the glory and the very core of our faith is established. Our belief that Christ defeated death and made heaven possible for us through resurrection and his death on the cross. The council reaffirms that they are basing this on sacred scripture, in the light of Apostolic Tradition. And Jesus sat down in the Right Hand of the Father. A person seating on the right hand is a universal symbolical approach of telling that he is the co-ruler, and son of the Father.
From thence he shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end- Here it is restated that Jesus would come again, and he would come not as a baby or humble man anymore, but in his own fullness of glory as the Son of God and Second Person of the Trinity. He would Judge all those who are quick(living) and the dead alike.After this judgement his everlasting ruling....His kingdom would be eternal and it would have no end. Here the promise of Heaven is re affirmed upon us.
And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord Giver of Life who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father and the son is worshipped and glorified, who spoke to the prophets- Now the 3rd Person of the Trinity on who we believe as the Holy Ghost. The Hoy Spirit, who gives life. It is traditionally accepted that the Holy Spirit is the air that we breathe. The one that gives us life, and connects us to the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son because the Father and the Son loves each other so much and because of that a form of Eternal Love/Bond is between them, thus what we call the Holy Spirit. Together with the Father and Son he is Worshiped and Glorified as God. He is the 3rd person of the trinity. He is the one known to be the one who reveals the things to come to the prophets. He is the one who guided the prophets in writing the books and etc.
In one holy catholic and Apostolic Church- Here the whole the Church professes together in One faith that they Believe that the Church that Christ has established is One meaning United in Teaching and in Doctrine. Catholic which means Universal and is given to all, and Apostolic which means it has the Apostolic Authority conferred to it through the laying of hands since the time of the Apostles.
We Acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins- Here the Church states the need for one to be baptize to be a member of the Church. That in joining the church you are accepting Christ and his death for you. Thus the trace of original sin which has been there is erased through baptism. You are born again in Christ.
We Look for the Resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. AMEN! Here the Church Hopes! Hopes in the promise of Christ for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world...that is yet to come! AMEN
So there you have it, its a serious article, no jokes here and there...Cuz I do get serious from time to time and I deemed it worthy here to be serious on this article since its about my beliefs...God Bless
Saturday, 16 January 2010
I Believe....
I know you guys probably heard this like a million times, but I would just like to profess this again before i go to sleep, but this time here on the Blog! Cuz tommorow that's what I'll be talking about!
Credo in unum Deum,
Patrem omnipoténtem,
Factórem cæli et terræ,
Visibílium ómnium et invisibílium.
Et in unum Dóminum Iesum Christum,
Fílium Dei Unigénitum,
Et ex Patre natum ante ómnia sæcula.
Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine, Deum verum de Deo vero,
Génitum, non factum, consubstantiálem Patri:
Per quem ómnia facta sunt.
Qui propter nos hómines et propter nostram salútem
Descéndit de cælis.
Et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto
Ex María Vírgine, et homo factus est.
Crucifíxus étiam pro nobis sub Póntio Piláto;
Passus, et sepúltus est,
Et resurréxit tértia die, secúndum Scriptúras,
Et ascéndit in cælum, sedet ad déxteram Patris.
Et íterum ventúrus est cum glória,
Iudicáre vivos et mórtuos,
Cuius regni non erit finis.
Et in Spíritum Sanctum, Dóminum et vivificántem:
Qui ex Patre Filióque procédit.
Qui cum Patre et Fílio simul adorátur et conglorificátur:
Qui locútus est per prophétas.
Et unam, sanctam, cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam.
Confíteor unum baptísma in remissiónem peccatorum.
Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum,
Et vitam ventúri sæculi. Amen
And now in English :)
Nicene Creed
We BELIEVE in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
and became truly human.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen
With this I leave you Good MORNYT!
God Bless
Credo in unum Deum,
Patrem omnipoténtem,
Factórem cæli et terræ,
Visibílium ómnium et invisibílium.
Et in unum Dóminum Iesum Christum,
Fílium Dei Unigénitum,
Et ex Patre natum ante ómnia sæcula.
Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine, Deum verum de Deo vero,
Génitum, non factum, consubstantiálem Patri:
Per quem ómnia facta sunt.
Qui propter nos hómines et propter nostram salútem
Descéndit de cælis.
Et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto
Ex María Vírgine, et homo factus est.
Crucifíxus étiam pro nobis sub Póntio Piláto;
Passus, et sepúltus est,
Et resurréxit tértia die, secúndum Scriptúras,
Et ascéndit in cælum, sedet ad déxteram Patris.
Et íterum ventúrus est cum glória,
Iudicáre vivos et mórtuos,
Cuius regni non erit finis.
Et in Spíritum Sanctum, Dóminum et vivificántem:
Qui ex Patre Filióque procédit.
Qui cum Patre et Fílio simul adorátur et conglorificátur:
Qui locútus est per prophétas.
Et unam, sanctam, cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam.
Confíteor unum baptísma in remissiónem peccatorum.
Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum,
Et vitam ventúri sæculi. Amen
And now in English :)
Nicene Creed
We BELIEVE in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
and became truly human.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen
With this I leave you Good MORNYT!
God Bless
Magical Beautiful Unicorns...aii..ehrrmmm...and Myths about the Popes :P part1
Hellooooooooo! My Imaginary readers and Jaja...
As you guys must have noticed I have always included Jaja in the last 2 posts, well because I asked her to be my test reader to check if this blog is ok for you guys. ANyways for those who don't know Jaja, she is a Rabbit who hops around...
Just kidding...
She's a dog...
no...She's a fellow YFC who serves side by side with me to God! So yeah, thanks Ja!
Now As you've seen my title is all about Beautiful Unicorn, but yeah! This REALLY fits the topic. Cause now I am talking about the Pope...Yea! So how the heck is the POPE related to the Magical Unicorns? Well they both are white...TAHDA!!! Ok? Don't get the joke? Never mind...
They had one great similarity...The Unicorn is a made up being, while the pope is a true being where there are many made up things about him. For short....the unicorn as a myth, the pope also suffers from MYTHS that are made about him. My aim in this article is to defend our Holy Father the Pope from these "controversies" in my own personal random way. As a teen, I know that my opinion won't matter that much, but I know that I could share what I know and possibly learn more!
Here are the....
Let me tear this arguments limb from limb! APART! RAWRRRRR! Oooopss? Sorry, I must be gentle on this one :) So yeah I just like being random you see, cause it removes the aura of "SERIOUSNESS" in this blog. However my mission and intentions are sincere, and that is to study and become a great apologist someday. So for starters I am gonna try to defend this top 10 myths about the catholic pope without copying and pasting from other sources. Well except the pictures and ideas yea. However as I do this article I researched of course and I'll try to defend the following issues in Catholic light as much as I can.
1) The Pope is the Great Beast on Revelation and Daniel
Ok so this argument, so many people tend to argue that the Pope, is the Anti Christ! WOAH! ANTI CHRIST?!?! Really? This is just a fairy tale imagination made up by those Anti Catholics...Some even claim he could be Dath Sidious... So maybe some of you who are clueless, the Anti Christ is the one who would come in the end of the world and claim to be the Christ and be God on earth. One of the common arguments for this is the word VICARIUS FILII DEI...in where if you add the roman numerals correspondingly you end up with the number 666 which is the number of the Anti Christ...I don't wanna burst your cheescake or anything...but the Pope never used the title VICARIUS FILII DEI. A list of the titles the Pope used such as Pope, Supreme Pontiff, Servant of the servants of God, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ and etc. But if you look at every Vatican Archive, ancient documents, the Pope didn't use any title VICARIUS FILII DEI, sure some peopleccalled him that way, but he himself never personally used it. Just look at the documents. And besides, try a couple of names and 666 could even add up. Another argument is that he supposedly claims to be God as is said in some encyclicals which are misinterpreted, which I am gonna state here....
Pope Boniface VIII: We declare, assert, define and pronounce: To be subject under the Roman Pontiff is for every human creature altogether necessary for salvation!
MY GOSH!!! MY GOSH! What happened?!? Why did the Pope declare himself to be necessary for salvation? Well, obviously! Okay to get matters straight first, Christ died on the cross and purchased salvation for all of us. The Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Atheist and etc. That's why all people are a part of God's Plan of salvation. The same way, all Christians are part of God's eternal plan. Since the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, every human creature belongs to Christ, and is a part of his Church. However we can choose to reject his love and leave his Body/Church. All of us are a part of the Church informally, but only Catholics are part of the church FORMALLY, because they live in the fullness of the faith. Some people who don't know and didn't even hear about Christ but did what they thought was good could go to heaven since they are a part of the church, the mystical body of christ since he has already purchased them on his death on the cross. However those who know that the Catholic Faith or the Christian Faith is the true faith and yet still rejected its moralities and teachings by living differently or because of their own selfish reasons, they are putting themselves and choosing to be separated from the church. Now the Church is governed by the Pope because Christ has instituted him as the head of the church *more on this later* then the church is subject under the Pope. Since being with the church is necessary for salvation, it is therefore necessary for one to be subject under the Roman Pontiff who is the Pope serving God, and since the Pope is a servant of God being under the servant God is acknowledging God's power and therefore placing under his Mystical Body which is necessary for salvation. THAT! Woooh, that's soo tiring! Ok. So the pope cannot be the Anti Christ because he never claimed to be God nor did he claim to replace Christ as God.
Okay now here are some people who claim that the Papacy supposedly "began in the Middle Ages, or it was some dude who suddenly thought about dressing up with white robes then was suddenly Pope. Well others take it more seriously such as that the first Pope was a medieval devil child out of wedlock. And some take it more likely that the the first Pope was a medieval devil child. Well let them be heretics. Ooohh, harsh words, but I said it right, judging the Pope is one thing but calling his office a pure Medieval invention is not just plain harsh but stupidity because of failure to study history. If you look upon history more closely, there are a long line of Popes even before there were knights and metal shoes! Jesus instituted the Papacy back on Matthew 16:18 "And Upon this Rock I will build my Church and even the gates of Hell will not prevail against it" Hey, hey, hey no arguments for a while. I just proved that it wasn't instituted in the Middle Ages, we'll talk more about this later. I will argue how Peter is the first Pope and how Christ has given him the privilege to be that one on the 2nd part of this article.
Okay this is probably one of the weirdest myths ever told! Okay since the "controversy" of Pope Joan, there was this device that was made so that it could not happen again. Its called the Sedes Stercoraria, where the newly elected Pontiff would sit on a chair with a hole. And a young priest or deacon would reach out to a part of the chair connected to the whole to touch the testicles of the Pope to confirm if he is really a boy! WOW! THATSSSSSSSSSSSSS WEEEEEEEEIRD! Okay, first since Pope Joan never existed, this chair is not really needed. Second there has been no official record of doing this in church documents and public documents alike. This is just a story made up to support the claim of Pope Joan. Who in the world could think up of a sick idea such as this? A Homo I think? :))
As you guys must have noticed I have always included Jaja in the last 2 posts, well because I asked her to be my test reader to check if this blog is ok for you guys. ANyways for those who don't know Jaja, she is a Rabbit who hops around...
Just kidding...
She's a dog...
no...She's a fellow YFC who serves side by side with me to God! So yeah, thanks Ja!
Now As you've seen my title is all about Beautiful Unicorn, but yeah! This REALLY fits the topic. Cause now I am talking about the Pope...Yea! So how the heck is the POPE related to the Magical Unicorns? Well they both are white...TAHDA!!! Ok? Don't get the joke? Never mind...
They had one great similarity...The Unicorn is a made up being, while the pope is a true being where there are many made up things about him. For short....the unicorn as a myth, the pope also suffers from MYTHS that are made about him. My aim in this article is to defend our Holy Father the Pope from these "controversies" in my own personal random way. As a teen, I know that my opinion won't matter that much, but I know that I could share what I know and possibly learn more!
Here are the....
Top 10 Myths about the Pope
1) The Pope is the Great Beast
2) The Papacy is a Medieval Invention
3) The Pope cannot make mistakes
4) Pope Joan
5) Sedes Stercoraria
6) Peter was not the first Pope
7) The Pope is not the successor of Peter
8) The Pope is the richest man on earth
9) The Pope is against science
10) The current Pope is an illegitimate Pope since Vatican II happened
Let me tear this arguments limb from limb! APART! RAWRRRRR! Oooopss? Sorry, I must be gentle on this one :) So yeah I just like being random you see, cause it removes the aura of "SERIOUSNESS" in this blog. However my mission and intentions are sincere, and that is to study and become a great apologist someday. So for starters I am gonna try to defend this top 10 myths about the catholic pope without copying and pasting from other sources. Well except the pictures and ideas yea. However as I do this article I researched of course and I'll try to defend the following issues in Catholic light as much as I can.
1) The Pope is the Great Beast on Revelation and Daniel
Ok so this argument, so many people tend to argue that the Pope, is the Anti Christ! WOAH! ANTI CHRIST?!?! Really? This is just a fairy tale imagination made up by those Anti Catholics...Some even claim he could be Dath Sidious... So maybe some of you who are clueless, the Anti Christ is the one who would come in the end of the world and claim to be the Christ and be God on earth. One of the common arguments for this is the word VICARIUS FILII DEI...in where if you add the roman numerals correspondingly you end up with the number 666 which is the number of the Anti Christ...I don't wanna burst your cheescake or anything...but the Pope never used the title VICARIUS FILII DEI. A list of the titles the Pope used such as Pope, Supreme Pontiff, Servant of the servants of God, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ and etc. But if you look at every Vatican Archive, ancient documents, the Pope didn't use any title VICARIUS FILII DEI, sure some peopleccalled him that way, but he himself never personally used it. Just look at the documents. And besides, try a couple of names and 666 could even add up. Another argument is that he supposedly claims to be God as is said in some encyclicals which are misinterpreted, which I am gonna state here....
Pope Boniface VIII: We declare, assert, define and pronounce: To be subject under the Roman Pontiff is for every human creature altogether necessary for salvation!
MY GOSH!!! MY GOSH! What happened?!? Why did the Pope declare himself to be necessary for salvation? Well, obviously! Okay to get matters straight first, Christ died on the cross and purchased salvation for all of us. The Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Atheist and etc. That's why all people are a part of God's Plan of salvation. The same way, all Christians are part of God's eternal plan. Since the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, every human creature belongs to Christ, and is a part of his Church. However we can choose to reject his love and leave his Body/Church. All of us are a part of the Church informally, but only Catholics are part of the church FORMALLY, because they live in the fullness of the faith. Some people who don't know and didn't even hear about Christ but did what they thought was good could go to heaven since they are a part of the church, the mystical body of christ since he has already purchased them on his death on the cross. However those who know that the Catholic Faith or the Christian Faith is the true faith and yet still rejected its moralities and teachings by living differently or because of their own selfish reasons, they are putting themselves and choosing to be separated from the church. Now the Church is governed by the Pope because Christ has instituted him as the head of the church *more on this later* then the church is subject under the Pope. Since being with the church is necessary for salvation, it is therefore necessary for one to be subject under the Roman Pontiff who is the Pope serving God, and since the Pope is a servant of God being under the servant God is acknowledging God's power and therefore placing under his Mystical Body which is necessary for salvation. THAT! Woooh, that's soo tiring! Ok. So the pope cannot be the Anti Christ because he never claimed to be God nor did he claim to replace Christ as God.
2) The Papacy is a Medieval Invention
3) The Pope cannot make mistakes
Okay, this case is more related on the dogma of Infallibility which states that the Roman Pontiff when teaching to all Christians as the Head of the Church and Bishop of Rome is never wrong in Matter of Faith and Morals. Now some Christians claims that this means the Pope cannot sin. Well the dogma of Infallibility is clearly misrepresented here, it doesn't mean that the Pope cannot ere in his life. Of course he could sin! He is just a human being. There are numerous Popes who sinned and are embarrassment to Church History. Nor does this mean that they would be always correct in their personal beliefs or opinion. Take the case for Galileo it's a case for Science and not for faith nor morals. They are human the same way as us. But the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus Christ to guide the Pope in proclaiming doctrine is what we trust here. We trust the prayer of Jesus to Simon Peter that his faith may not fail him because he'll be the one to lead the flock. Why its even better to believe one Infallible Pope than thousands of Infallible Bible Alone Christians? Am I correct?
4) Pope Joan
Pope Joan is a legendary female Pope who supposedly reigned for a few years some time during the Middle Ages. The story first appeared in the writings of 13th-century chroniclers, and subsequently spread through Europe. It was widely believed for centuries, though modern historians and religious scholars consider it fictitious, perhaps deriving from historicized folklore regarding Roman monuments or from anti-papal satire.Most modern scholars dismiss Pope Joan as a Medieval legend. The Oxford Dictionary of Popes acknowledges that this legend was widely believed for centuries, even among Catholic circles, but declares that there is "no contemporary evidence for a female Pope at any of the dates suggested for her reign," and goes on to say that "the known facts of the respective periods make it impossible to fit "a female Pope" in" although this is disputed due to the Liber Pontificalis, the only continuous record of 9th Century Popes, not being considered entirely accurate with regard to dates of succession and deaths with many of these dates known to be wholly invented.In 1601, Pope Clement VIII declared the legend of the female Pope to be untrue. The famous bust of her, inscribed Johannes VIII, Femina ex Anglia, which had been carved for the series of Papal figures in the Duomo of Siena about 1400 and was noted by travelers, was either destroyed or recarved and relabeled, replaced by a male figure, of Pope Zachary “Between Leo IV and Benedict III, where Martinus Polonus places her, she cannot be inserted, because Leo IV died 17 July 855, and immediately after his death Benedict III was elected by the clergy and people of Rome. No source describing a female Pope exists from earlier than the mid-12th Century, almost exactly four hundred years after the time when Pope Joan allegedly existed. It is hard to believe that an event like a Pope unexpectedly giving birth in public and being stoned to death would not be mentioned by any writers or historians at the time
5) Sedes Stercoraria
So people that's part 1 of my Pope Article! I hope you like it...
I am kinda lazy to continue this now I'll continue it tommorow!
Thanks and God Bless
its 1:37 AM...And I am still awake...
ps1 watch out for my coming out book....the pencil mouse
ps2 just joking...or is it >:)
ps2137621963 CHEEEEESCAKE!!!!
a joke
Jaja told me a joke after she read my previous blog about ghosts...
she asked me...what's a pun...well honestly I don't know...
then she told me...
for those who don't know what pundesal is...its Filipino bread...and its correct spelling is
seriously she made me laugh :))
she asked me...what's a pun...well honestly I don't know...
then she told me...
for those who don't know what pundesal is...its Filipino bread...and its correct spelling is
seriously she made me laugh :))
Ghosts, Evil Spirits, and ZOOOOMBIIEESSS in a Catholic Teen's Perspective part 1
Hello again! So yeah, this is probably my the part 1 of my 2nd article...as you've probably noticed if you look at my previous article, and promised to write something about the Pope...Well I am human, I changed my mind...sue me!
I am going to write something about the Holy Father later ;) just have to finish up this article I've been dyinggggggg to write....
seriously...dying to write....get it? *PUN* its a PUN! GETZ?! Never mind!
The Realm of Spirits or Ghosts or whatever you may call them
January 16, 2009; 3:46 PIM
How about this next one...this is even scarier....
Yeah the darkness and that face really scared the heck out of my pants....but now is the time for the scariest picture of all!!!
Ready for it?
Yeah that literally gave me nightmares...That last picture...It forever scarred my life...:))
Going back to the topic...Have you ever seen the movie "THE EXORCIST" Or "EXORCIST" or whatever it is called? Well if you haven't its about a girl who was possessed by a demon who turned her very ugly and very violent. She was tried to be cured by the priests by the ritual of Exorcism which only ordained and appointed priests could administer. The movie was focused on well the fighting, the temptations of the priests and all those stuff. In the end...in a horrifying way the priests die...
Ooookk? So yeah they died...the end. It's just a movie in reality there's no such thing as that you think? No such things as exorcists? Or Ghosts or spirits?
Let me burst your balloon...if you have one...
You're wrong...cuz there is SUCH as thing as Exorcist, SUCH things as Ghosts and REAL things such as Evil Spirits. The problem is just that people are either exaggerating about the subject or claimed to be experts even if they're just NOOOBSS! in the subject... Okay you might be getting a little lost already in my ramblings so Let me summarize on how I am gonna go on with this article. Let me give you 5 Questions that I would answer one by one in light of the teaching of the Catholic Church.
1) Who are the Exorcists?
2) Is there such a thing as Ghosts/Aswangs/Tikbalangs/Evil Babies"Chanak"/Elves?
3) What about Fortune Tellers? Card Readers? Psychics? Horoscopes? and Feung Shui? Are they helpful or Dangerous?
4) Is there really such things as Zombies
5) Is there really a big difference between Souls and Spirits?
6) Is the author if this article handsome? gorgeous? smart?macho? ....scratch that last question....:D
The Exorcist are like the MIB! The Men In Black in my point of view. Or you can even say they're like the FBI or CIA or even the NSA. All American "SPY GROUPS" But believe me or not, in my point of view the Exorcists are far more better than the MIB, FBI, CIA or even the NSA put all together! The Exorcist is a mysterious person...Who is this man that confronts the devil in their day to day lives. Who is this guy who is like an underground police who goes to the sticky, slimy and dark world of the demons.
The Exorcist is a mysterious figure that dwells within the world that we live in. Its not because they're aliens or have special powers of any kind. But because many novels made about them, movies about their profession and court cases that looked unto some of their mistakes. But up until now there is no PUBLIC coverage or given emphasis too much on their office as exorcist. Heck even some priests, bishops or even cardinals disregard their importance. While others see them as a vital part in doing Christ's mission here on earth. The misconceptions about exorcists are very common, such as they just depend on the materials they use. Or they just go into battle and say prayers out of their heart? All of these of course are half truths. More questions are given, such as? Are exorcist more powerful than the Voodoo people? What's the difference between the exorcist and a normal priest? And what is the big difference between exorcism and rituals founded on "FOLK TRADITION" *more on this later*
To go on further, let us first explore what and who the exorcist really is. The Exorcist is an ordiained presbyter(priest) specially commissioned and given permission by his diocesian bishop to perform or undertake the Roman Ritual Rite of Exorcism. As you may know Exorcism is the practice of casting out demons which is a pretty ancient practice. Now you ask the question? Is an exorcist really necesarry? Yes, Jesus himself casted out demons during his day, and he has commissioned his Disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead and CAST OUT DEMONS. So why demons? Why not angels, well because angels can't possess people duh! That's why if you hear people saying they're possessed by the "spirit" of Christ or Mama Mary, or even God the Father. And they are wearing red robes and started dancing like lunatics claiming to be possessed by a good spirit...Don't believe them, God doesn't possess people, he already likes his body its perfect. He doesn't allow his angels to possess them either, why would they? So if it is not God? And not the angels? Who are they? Nope not dead relatives, but demons! Demons who pretend to be good. Demons who promises false things to make you happy. Demons that makes your life miserable after a considerably long time.
This is where the exorcists come into play. They are usually called unto by faithful catholics. Now listen here, Exorcisms are not immidiately performed on these victims. There must be practical considerations to take into consideration first before it is accepted as an "Demonic Possession Case" because if it is not, it could be nothing more than a mental illness, that is not curable by exorcism, but by professional medical health. Therefore the victim must be brought first to a psychologist or psychiatrist to treat the patient if he/she is mentally stable. If not, then there is a possibility that it is just a mental illness. However it doesn't mean the person is already not possessed since the devil can disguise themselves into sickness to avoid detection. Such here is the following criteria into checking if the person is possessed or not.
- Psychiatric manifestation
- Parapsychological Phenomena
- Aversion to the sacred
Let me try to explain this 3 in a brief way as possible. Psychiatric manifestation, such as being violent all of a sudden that were probably caused by deep hurts or anger. But this is something more violent, something uncontroable as if the person is getting crazier by the minute. Parapsychological Phenomena is the victim suddenly possessing the ability to lift objects 2x their weight or telekenisis or even speak in unknown languages when you talk to them. And aversion to the sacred is hatred for Holy Water, Mass, Church and anything that is sacred. If this three things are met, and if there is a confirmation from doctors that the patient is mentally normal. Then a Demonic Possession case may be firmly established. However as the Rite of Exorcism states, the Exorcist cannot just barge in. He has to seek permission from his Bishop to perform the exorcism. Because When you perform a solemn exorcism you are invoking the name of the whole church as your intercesorry prayer and Jesus Christ's authority and name. This being said in cases of exorcisms, the priests faith is very important. The Holy Water, Exorcised Salts, Incense, Bible and etc are all just instruments that would be the extension of God's love and power that would be used to eliminate the force of darkness enveloping the victim. There is no other greater weapon against evil than love...To leave you with...I believe the Exorcist are God's Human Generals in the fight against evil here on earth.
All Exorcists are priest...But not just any priest could become an Exorcist.
Fr. Gabriele Amorth
Official Vatican Chief Exorcist
Has performed over 20,000 exorcism in his 8 year stay on the ministry
Pray for their works worldwide...:)
To avoid congestion in just one article I'll be posting them up separately so that you could read them carefully and in just one article....Anyways the second reason is that i am lazy and bored, and I wanna write another article :P That's why! That's all GBU!
ps1 I am teen :D sue me...
ps2 probably you've heard it a couple of times...but yea i am a teen and I am proud about it while I still am :))
God Bless.
ghosts and spirits,
weird stuff
Friday, 15 January 2010
pope fiction
so yeah my first apologetic write! POPE FICTION!
I am currently listening to Pat Madrid's interview on Catholic answers, so i'll just write my article later!
I am currently listening to Pat Madrid's interview on Catholic answers, so i'll just write my article later!
its bad that you procastinate...
exhibit a...me
i procastinated and now i am trying to cope up for the lost time that i wasted on bumming and tamabaying, by doing my dozens of projects, and chores are waiting for me at our kitchen...
i have exams tommorow....and ndi pa aq nakapagstudy...
i am getting tired of this...
the laziness, crappiness and undisciplined attitude...
today i choose to step up...today ill choose to be more mature and be disciplined, starting today, i am gonna value every single second...and starting today ill stop procastinating and start acting...
i've got 5 years to build up the person that God wants me to be in YFC, so that I may be proved to be worhtit for his call for me as a FTPW...
may i never lose sight of that goal...
5 years baby...i am not gonna give up ;)
ps1 josh ur realization made me change a view of mine...may God continue to bless you
ps2 pray for us in our MEC SHOUT OUT
exhibit a...me
i procastinated and now i am trying to cope up for the lost time that i wasted on bumming and tamabaying, by doing my dozens of projects, and chores are waiting for me at our kitchen...
i have exams tommorow....and ndi pa aq nakapagstudy...
i am getting tired of this...
the laziness, crappiness and undisciplined attitude...
today i choose to step up...today ill choose to be more mature and be disciplined, starting today, i am gonna value every single second...and starting today ill stop procastinating and start acting...
i've got 5 years to build up the person that God wants me to be in YFC, so that I may be proved to be worhtit for his call for me as a FTPW...
may i never lose sight of that goal...
5 years baby...i am not gonna give up ;)
ps1 josh ur realization made me change a view of mine...may God continue to bless you
ps2 pray for us in our MEC SHOUT OUT
One day, a king placed a boulder on the middle of the road. He then hid a pouch behind the bounder, and waited in the bushes to see what will people do. Many noble men, knights, priests, and soldiers saw the boulder and complained why it was blocking the path. That was all they did—complained, complained, and complained some more. But later in the afternoon, a farmer walked on the road, saw the boulder, put down his stuff—and pushed it out of the way. When he did that, he saw the king’s purse underneath. He opened it and found it filled with the purest gold, including a note from the king. It said, “This is your reward. Because behind every boulder on the road of life is pure gold.”
a realization
i recently read about a realization
If things go wrong dont panic, Your mind will be blank with darkness and the light showing your path will not be visible, In darkness we see nothing but evil, hear nothing but evil and under these circumstances that we commit sin.
and leaving me 1 question...
7 identities (7 IDs of YFC) we represent, 7 sins we commit, why is it everytime we try to represent one identity, one sin will come? tapos bigla ko naisip
too much excellence can lead a man to arrogance, and with arrogance comes pride
*emphasis mine*
by josh corpuz
josh, thats what i was shareing before...its like the story of job...
read the story of job and you'll understand God's wisdom behind these questions ;)
ps1 i hope the storm would end
ps2 i am so exicted for pinas
ps3 i am supposed to be working right now but i am procastinating as usual
If things go wrong dont panic, Your mind will be blank with darkness and the light showing your path will not be visible, In darkness we see nothing but evil, hear nothing but evil and under these circumstances that we commit sin.
and leaving me 1 question...
7 identities (7 IDs of YFC) we represent, 7 sins we commit, why is it everytime we try to represent one identity, one sin will come? tapos bigla ko naisip
too much excellence can lead a man to arrogance, and with arrogance comes pride
*emphasis mine*
by josh corpuz
josh, thats what i was shareing before...its like the story of job...
read the story of job and you'll understand God's wisdom behind these questions ;)
ps1 i hope the storm would end
ps2 i am so exicted for pinas
ps3 i am supposed to be working right now but i am procastinating as usual
a time capsule
If I were given a chance to place in the time capsule 3 things...
The first thing I would put is a Photo Album, not of me but of all the people that made a difference in my life. The pictures of the people who became a part of me, and made me who I am today. The picture of my classmates in Highschool, my parents, my yfc community, my friends, and everyone I met and made an impact on who I am...
The second thing I would put is a Crucifix, to signify my faith and belief in my Savior. That even though a lot of storms came through and almost crumbled my life, I still stood firm by the side of my God. As a Roman Catholic, a Christian, and a Child of the living God.
The last thing that I would put...is a rock. in where all of my blog sites are engraved...
Why in a rock you asked?
because unlike gold, it doesn't rust...unlike paper it doesn't turn into ashes
because as simple it may be
that rock would last forever
The first thing I would put is a Photo Album, not of me but of all the people that made a difference in my life. The pictures of the people who became a part of me, and made me who I am today. The picture of my classmates in Highschool, my parents, my yfc community, my friends, and everyone I met and made an impact on who I am...
The second thing I would put is a Crucifix, to signify my faith and belief in my Savior. That even though a lot of storms came through and almost crumbled my life, I still stood firm by the side of my God. As a Roman Catholic, a Christian, and a Child of the living God.
The last thing that I would put...is a rock. in where all of my blog sites are engraved...
Why in a rock you asked?
because unlike gold, it doesn't rust...unlike paper it doesn't turn into ashes
because as simple it may be
that rock would last forever
bathroom chronicles
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Written from the SSC Laptop at 11:21 PM
Sorry imaginary readers, as I can see it was October 27 since my last post...wahh!!! I can't really keep on promising that I'll update this blog, but I just really can't! But this time I promise, even if just contains 3 words I'll update this EVERY DAY!!! TAKE THAT SLOW INTERNET
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Written from the SSC Laptop at 11:21 PM
Sorry imaginary readers, as I can see it was October 27 since my last post...wahh!!! I can't really keep on promising that I'll update this blog, but I just really can't! But this time I promise, even if just contains 3 words I'll update this EVERY DAY!!! TAKE THAT SLOW INTERNET
Remembering Ridiculous Stories
Have you ever tried running as if you were on a Baywatch show? Or how about running like that while catching up to a bus that would leave you stranded on a dessert area, with no cell phone signal and money? Imagine being stucked in that place in the middle of summer, with no buildings around you but a mosque and a couple of building like structures?
When Bad Luck comes your way
I remember this one time that I was going on Al-Ain for a YFC activity. It was the first General Assembly in Al-Ain in where I announce their area being a part of Cluster B as Chapter B3. I rode the public bus going to Al-Ain, with no people to accompany me, as many are busy with their own things as well. I remember the seat that I sat on at that bus…It was warm, cozy and smelly. Yes it was smelly. At first I thought everything was fine, the bus is rolling, aircon is good. But when we got to the middle of the road, pheewww! It was like I was in a Sauna Bath with thousands of smells bombarding me from every corner. It was hot, sweaty and etc! I said to my self, things probably wont become worst…The minute I thought of those words, I felt a discomfort in my lower tummy…My gass! I wanna pee!??! Huwat the heck is happening around here?! I am travelling between to cities with a distance of 150 KM and I am in the middle of the dessert??? What am I supposed to do!?
Taking the RIGHT action at the WRONG time
So I did what I did best! I sprang up and shouted to everyone that they’re all handsome but I am gorgeous, and told the driver to stop for a while because I have to pee…well that is what I thought of doing I just actually took my seat and held it in for a little while. I kept on looking at the “Next Destination” monitor in front of us. I sat patiently waiting for it to flash “BATHROOM” but sadly it seems that there is none. After painstakingly holding it on for 15 min. The bus came to a stop…At last finally! Huwa??! Where? What?!!? Where am I?! They were getting off the bus and going through the whole of the metal fence. The next thing I know they are praying at the mosque…
I did what I have to do…
I risked it, I went down the bus and wandered off like a dog searching for a fire hydrant. It was a desert out there…When if found the place “which I cannot disclose since it would jeopardize the safety of the whole human race” I did what I have to do…
Flash back to the scene, running like a bay watch model I took off the jacket I was wearing, for Pete’s Sake it was SUMMER! I can’t remember why I was wearing a jacket…people looking at me staring at my gorgeous body “let me dream” and such. I got on the bus feeling accomplished and satisfied!
After 5 minutes of singing LALALALALALA, the bus came again to a stop into a REST STOP with a DECENT BATHROOM AND RESTAURANT?!!?
Being patient with patience
Guys its hard to be patient, especially if you feel like the world around you is falling apart. But trust me, the longer the wait, the better the cake “sorry I can’t find any other rhymes” what I mean is that, it may be hard, it may be tough! But the goal that you are fighting for is worthless if it is not worth the effort that you would give into waiting.
People always say that they are very PATIENT people, that they can tolerate the mischievous acts of others. Or they could wait for 1 week for the girl that they are courting for her to answer them, not lasting than 3 months, they end up courting up someone else.
Guys patience is much more than that. Patience Is not the ability to wait, but the ability to maintain a good attitude while waiting. In terms of love, patience may be for a week, a month, a year, or a decade. But if done with the right person, but at the wrong time. The results could be disastrous.
The same way with helping people, and caring for them. It may take a long time until those people that you help would repay you. But in the end things would fall down to their perfect places.
Patience is Patience
Do not force yourself to be patient, nor to wait. But rather learn to live a life that would not be hindered from moving forward because of things that would be required for you to wait on…
Patience is not a gift, it’s a choice J
hello world
hello my dear imaginary readers, as you've seen i haven't updated this blog for ages, because of busyness of schedule, my gasss... NC, YFC, SSC, Campaign,Exams and etc, its just so frustrating for me to blog...
but ill start updating this again every day after exams so see yah!!!
ps. I STILL despise that calculator
ps2 yes you've read it right that CALCULATOR
ps3 where the heck have you seen a calculator who suddenly shuts down?!!?!?! and Comes back on again when you've already passed your paper in desperation of a non working calculator!!!
but ill start updating this again every day after exams so see yah!!!
ps. I STILL despise that calculator
ps2 yes you've read it right that CALCULATOR
ps3 where the heck have you seen a calculator who suddenly shuts down?!!?!?! and Comes back on again when you've already passed your paper in desperation of a non working calculator!!!
didn't feel sleepy in class...
and yes for me that is one of the greatest achievement that me could ever attain...
i felt as if the heavens opened up to me and said...
well done...
seriously i am the kind of person that sleeps late...
i don't know why and how
but its me...and i can't stop me from being me (except my parents)
so yeah the consequence is sleepy afternoon, during sir john's trigo class and mam connie's algebra class (TY mitchh for notess)
even during our pre-test in the Review sessions, i felt sleepy...so sleepy that i was writing on the Question sheet and i didn't notice...wahhhh about 5 numbers un...when i suddenly came to my senses...i was scared...sir john was pissed, so i quickly borrowed the correction pen from mitz...i also destroyed( as in utterly destroyed) my g-tec that day..(rest in peace) i was sleepy, i began leaning on it then...poof, it's end broke off...awww...the effects of sleeping....late...:((
but yesterday was different...i challenged myself...
coming home from school, i ate chips, and etc...i rode the bus with al, patrick, gio, martin, john dale, edrick, mitch, and etc...so yeah we were the ones who were the nosiest in the bus, as in, kami ung pinakaaaaaaaaaa maingay!!! so yeah straight from that bus...i came home, bought chips and c2...and slept at 4 PM...
I woke up? 5 AM, the next day...I slept my way throughout the whole day, without bothering about anything...ssg, school, yfc or etc...and it felt great! once in a while we really need to take a time off with our times..
so sit back, relax and don't pressure yourself...:)
never forget to rest!!!
and yes for me that is one of the greatest achievement that me could ever attain...
i felt as if the heavens opened up to me and said...
well done...
seriously i am the kind of person that sleeps late...
i don't know why and how
but its me...and i can't stop me from being me (except my parents)
so yeah the consequence is sleepy afternoon, during sir john's trigo class and mam connie's algebra class (TY mitchh for notess)
even during our pre-test in the Review sessions, i felt sleepy...so sleepy that i was writing on the Question sheet and i didn't notice...wahhhh about 5 numbers un...when i suddenly came to my senses...i was scared...sir john was pissed, so i quickly borrowed the correction pen from mitz...i also destroyed( as in utterly destroyed) my g-tec that day..(rest in peace) i was sleepy, i began leaning on it then...poof, it's end broke off...awww...the effects of sleeping....late...:((
but yesterday was different...i challenged myself...
coming home from school, i ate chips, and etc...i rode the bus with al, patrick, gio, martin, john dale, edrick, mitch, and etc...so yeah we were the ones who were the nosiest in the bus, as in, kami ung pinakaaaaaaaaaa maingay!!! so yeah straight from that bus...i came home, bought chips and c2...and slept at 4 PM...
I woke up? 5 AM, the next day...I slept my way throughout the whole day, without bothering about anything...ssg, school, yfc or etc...and it felt great! once in a while we really need to take a time off with our times..
so sit back, relax and don't pressure yourself...:)
never forget to rest!!!
yesterday, it was done
all the late night of staying up to rush into finishing things
all the pondering and thinking what if everything would be spent in vain
all the energy given on making those pastillas
all the hotness of the oven while making those cookies
all those laughter while making and cutting the give aways together
all those worry and nervousness on the campaign days
yesterday those things were finished
those things are no more...those easy things...
honestly i had a hard time preparing for the campaigning period...it was like hell...i missed a week of lessons, projects, quizzes and assignments. it was like i wasvirtually literally absent. but how could i say those things mentioned above were easy? am i that type of person who is to brag about achievements on how easy i've done them? booohoo, no...i rather not, the feeling of people thinking me of being proud of myself, makes me feel like i am melting...what i meant by easy is...this...
compared to the responsibilities that would be soon bestowed upon me, upon us on our induction...the things that we've done on or before the campaign were a piece of cake, they say... but for me...it was like carrying a huge boulder...throughout that week...
was this a wake up call for me? to fix my schedule, to prioritize the things that are more needed, to let go of unnecessary stuff? for sure i won't let go of yfc, that's no question, but what about other stuffs? other dreams? do i have to let them go to finish thisburden blessing given to me?
a story of the preparation for the whole campaign period is better told than written. so i rather not write them here right now.
i gotta finish a lot of things pa..ill update this later...GBU
pray for us...the new SSG-elect
all the late night of staying up to rush into finishing things
all the pondering and thinking what if everything would be spent in vain
all the energy given on making those pastillas
all the hotness of the oven while making those cookies
all those laughter while making and cutting the give aways together
all those worry and nervousness on the campaign days
yesterday those things were finished
those things are no more...those easy things...
honestly i had a hard time preparing for the campaigning period...it was like hell...i missed a week of lessons, projects, quizzes and assignments. it was like i was
compared to the responsibilities that would be soon bestowed upon me, upon us on our induction...the things that we've done on or before the campaign were a piece of cake, they say... but for me...it was like carrying a huge boulder...throughout that week...
was this a wake up call for me? to fix my schedule, to prioritize the things that are more needed, to let go of unnecessary stuff? for sure i won't let go of yfc, that's no question, but what about other stuffs? other dreams? do i have to let them go to finish this
a story of the preparation for the whole campaign period is better told than written. so i rather not write them here right now.
i gotta finish a lot of things pa..ill update this later...GBU
pray for us...the new SSG-elect
the balls...
so yeah today...we fixed balls...
yeap you heard it right...the balls of the school, it was dirty, smelly and ewy
i particularly don't like the part that i touched a wet ball and i smelled the wet stuff on my hands...
it smells like spoilt rice...yes...rice that became water because of its expiration period
ahmed and jephong helped us :) so yeah i got dirty and mitch got a pig
its hard to fix balls, especially if their flat
yeap you heard it right...the balls of the school, it was dirty, smelly and ewy
i particularly don't like the part that i touched a wet ball and i smelled the wet stuff on my hands...
it smells like spoilt rice...yes...rice that became water because of its expiration period
ahmed and jephong helped us :) so yeah i got dirty and mitch got a pig
its hard to fix balls, especially if their flat
committed leader
i've always thought, that a leader is the one who is:
-and etc...
but this story made me change all that...
its all about commitment...the rest just follows :)
isn't it annoying when people don't learn how to be independent once you've helped them a thousand of times?
-and etc...
but this story made me change all that...
One day, a General knocked on the house of an old priest. The General said, “Old priest, tomorrow, I’ll be going to war. I want you to offer Mass for our victory.”The old priest opened the door, saw the General, and said, “You seem very calm for someone who’s about to go into battle.”The General smiled. “I assure you old priest that this will be an easy victory.” The enemy has 1000 men, I’ve got 4000. They’ve got 1000 guns, I’ve got 4000 The old priest asked, “Where are they The General laughed and said, “They are insane. As we speak, they’re now positioning themselves on the seashore, between my army and the sea. And they have no boats. They’re trapped. They’re sitting The old priest asked, “Where will you be when your army “At the back of my army,” the General “And where will the commander of the enemy be?” The priest The General chuckled, “I heard that he will be at the front of his army. I guess he wants to die The old priest shook his head. “I urge you, do not go to battle. You will The General was shocked. “Old man, didn’t you hear me? We’re 4 times their number. We have 4 times their weapons.” He stormed out of the priest’s house and said, “Don’t bother praying for us! Good Three days later, the General—wounded and battered—walked back into the old priest’s house. “You were right,” he said, “my army was wiped out. I’ve come back here to ask you how you knew we were going to The old priest said, “Their commander was ready to die. You weren’t. Their commander positioned his army between you and the sea, because he wanted all his soldiers to know that they either win or die. He positioned himself in front of his army to tell his army that he was ready to die—and they should too. Because battles aren’t won by numbers or weapons, but by the commitment of their leader.”
and I rephrase that
battles aren’t won by numbers or weapons, but by the commitment of their leader.and I rephrase that
its all about commitment...the rest just follows :)
isn't it annoying when people don't learn how to be independent once you've helped them a thousand of times?
just a thought
so yeah, probably you've seen my other blogs already. and yet again this is one of them. i just wanted well space and an area where i could just type, type and type, short snippets...
well we just had our filipino discussion kanina lng in our class. our teacher, maam connie mentioned about birds and etc, and some mentioned about eggs. and an idea popped inside my head???
what if humans where born from eggs?
(--,) just a thought
we are heroes
this phrase actually didn't struck me, nor made sense to me until we started campaigning for the SSG...and what appealed to me most is that, whenever I think about this, i don't feel childish, but i feel as if i am a warrior fighting a some kind of battle...
i have gone far in my life and in my service ever since i went here in UAE. i've gone to places others have dreamt of going. i have done things that others have wanted to be doing, ive won things that others would want to have, ive gotten responsibilities that other could've done better. as if i was winning this battle, this war that somehow leads to nowhere but back to where i came from...
a child, wondering for purpose...
being a leader in the community that i belong to and love, gives me that image boost for other people to think that i am strong. being their leader for almost 4 years, and being present in those activities, gives them the sense that i've done things because i am strong, i've done things because i can do them, i've done things because i am perfect in a sense that i am very devoted to God and at the same time, in maintaining my integrity as a leader. oh how wrong they are...
i should be doing my note taking and my assignments right now, i should be planning more for our ssg this night, i should've been studying for our 3 quizzes for tommorow, but why can't i? why can't i do what i was doing before? those things that i liked, those things that i sacrificed for? why is it that even though i am winning the war, i am losing the battles within me?
i am not emo, nor confused about who i am, and what i should do. but i am doubting if i am really living up to the purpose that was set before me. my one recent realization while praying at church, walking with my knees is this...
you can never have lived your life to the fullest if you haven't lived up to the purpose that you were created
living a life that is full of happiness and joy is not the norm here, usually the fullness of our lives are shown to us in our darkness times, and our times of despaiar and hopelesness, because by this challenges we are changed, by this things we see our purpose
gary valenciano's-warrior is a child song reaffirms me that i am one of those winners, i am one of those warriors, those heroes that gets honors, praises and responsibilities others have dreamt of having. but as i am an apparent winner of the war, i have a lot of battles that i have faced and lost. i get hurt, wounded, and humiliated. i've got more lost battles than those with whom i one. ive fallen, ive sinned, ive been lazy, lukewarm, lastful, vengeful, grudgeful, envious, jealous, coward, slanderous, stealer, liar, double faced, deceiver, and etc. these every day battles that ive lost, that others don't seem to see, and don't seem to care...
that when i actually win one of them, no one would care to appreciate but me, then begins that longing to be loved, that longing to win the war, this war of life. a hero always have his weakness, a warrior always has their counter parts. i as david have my own. but the reason that many don't see this its because they see life as black and white...when you're bad, you are bad, when you're holy you're holy...when you're middle, you're middle. they don't see the point that you are who you are based on your decision, based on your life, your purpose for that day that you have lived. that's why many pretend, many hide their fears, their weaknesses so that they could be seen as strong warriors...
but, we who are gradually sharing to the world how weak we are, and how fallen we've become is both a cry for help and an affirmation, that even the greatest of men fall, even the people who you see succeeds in life, also fails in their battles, thus urging you to become better, because that is what we heroes do. we fight battles, win or lose...as long as we would finish the war...
i am a warrior, an imperfect one yes, a one who is wounded, and hurt. one who makes mistakes, and hurts others. but i am a warrior
i am a true hero because i don't deny who i am
i am a true person because i admit my weaknesses
i am a true christian because i try to live according to the purpose set before my by christ
i may not win all battles in my life...but i am still a child, its bound to happen
i've got less than 6 years till graduating from college
i've got less than 15 years till having a wife
i've got less than 70-80 years till growing old and die
there's a lot of battles that you could win, or lose...
but its the journey, and the war that counts
that if you live it according to your purpose...
even if you lose all the battles, and win in one...
you'll look back from your deathbed...
this is a battle i've won...a battle that determined my purpose
god bless
i have gone far in my life and in my service ever since i went here in UAE. i've gone to places others have dreamt of going. i have done things that others have wanted to be doing, ive won things that others would want to have, ive gotten responsibilities that other could've done better. as if i was winning this battle, this war that somehow leads to nowhere but back to where i came from...
a child, wondering for purpose...
being a leader in the community that i belong to and love, gives me that image boost for other people to think that i am strong. being their leader for almost 4 years, and being present in those activities, gives them the sense that i've done things because i am strong, i've done things because i can do them, i've done things because i am perfect in a sense that i am very devoted to God and at the same time, in maintaining my integrity as a leader. oh how wrong they are...
i should be doing my note taking and my assignments right now, i should be planning more for our ssg this night, i should've been studying for our 3 quizzes for tommorow, but why can't i? why can't i do what i was doing before? those things that i liked, those things that i sacrificed for? why is it that even though i am winning the war, i am losing the battles within me?
i am not emo, nor confused about who i am, and what i should do. but i am doubting if i am really living up to the purpose that was set before me. my one recent realization while praying at church, walking with my knees is this...
you can never have lived your life to the fullest if you haven't lived up to the purpose that you were created
living a life that is full of happiness and joy is not the norm here, usually the fullness of our lives are shown to us in our darkness times, and our times of despaiar and hopelesness, because by this challenges we are changed, by this things we see our purpose
gary valenciano's-warrior is a child song reaffirms me that i am one of those winners, i am one of those warriors, those heroes that gets honors, praises and responsibilities others have dreamt of having. but as i am an apparent winner of the war, i have a lot of battles that i have faced and lost. i get hurt, wounded, and humiliated. i've got more lost battles than those with whom i one. ive fallen, ive sinned, ive been lazy, lukewarm, lastful, vengeful, grudgeful, envious, jealous, coward, slanderous, stealer, liar, double faced, deceiver, and etc. these every day battles that ive lost, that others don't seem to see, and don't seem to care...
that when i actually win one of them, no one would care to appreciate but me, then begins that longing to be loved, that longing to win the war, this war of life. a hero always have his weakness, a warrior always has their counter parts. i as david have my own. but the reason that many don't see this its because they see life as black and white...when you're bad, you are bad, when you're holy you're holy...when you're middle, you're middle. they don't see the point that you are who you are based on your decision, based on your life, your purpose for that day that you have lived. that's why many pretend, many hide their fears, their weaknesses so that they could be seen as strong warriors...
but, we who are gradually sharing to the world how weak we are, and how fallen we've become is both a cry for help and an affirmation, that even the greatest of men fall, even the people who you see succeeds in life, also fails in their battles, thus urging you to become better, because that is what we heroes do. we fight battles, win or lose...as long as we would finish the war...
i am a warrior, an imperfect one yes, a one who is wounded, and hurt. one who makes mistakes, and hurts others. but i am a warrior
i am a true hero because i don't deny who i am
i am a true person because i admit my weaknesses
i am a true christian because i try to live according to the purpose set before my by christ
i may not win all battles in my life...but i am still a child, its bound to happen
i've got less than 6 years till graduating from college
i've got less than 15 years till having a wife
i've got less than 70-80 years till growing old and die
there's a lot of battles that you could win, or lose...
but its the journey, and the war that counts
that if you live it according to your purpose...
even if you lose all the battles, and win in one...
you'll look back from your deathbed...
this is a battle i've won...a battle that determined my purpose
god bless
a story
One day, a young guy was walking on a dark street. Suddenly, out of an Acacia tree, an old man wrapped in a black robe appeared. His eyes were fierce, his face pale, his beard unkempt. He pushed a black book towards the young man and ordered, “You need to read this book! Buy it for P700.”
The young man was shocked and mumbled, “I don’t have P700…”
But the elderly man spoke with a louder voice, “You need to read this book! Give me P700.” So with shaking hands, the lad fumbled with his wallet and handed P700 to him. The mysterious man placed the black book in the chap’s hand and said, “Whatever you do, never look at the last page. Or you will regret it.” He then walked towards the field behind them and suddenly disappeared!
The young man went home, shaken to the core. In the evening, he started reading the book. It was all about ghosts and werewolves and vampires! After awhile, he grew tired, closed the book and went to bed.
But he couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning, the young man could only think of one thing: What was on the last page of the book? What will I regret seeing there?
Finally, he couldn’t take the suspense any longer. With every ounce of courage he could muster, he grabbed the black book. With trembling fingers, he opened it to the last page…
And when he saw it, at once, waves of regret filled him!
The last page was empty.
Except for a small note that said, “P49.50, National Bookstore.”
the lesson...
But the elderly man spoke with a louder voice, “You need to read this book! Give me P700.” So with shaking hands, the lad fumbled with his wallet and handed P700 to him. The mysterious man placed the black book in the chap’s hand and said, “Whatever you do, never look at the last page. Or you will regret it.” He then walked towards the field behind them and suddenly disappeared!
The young man went home, shaken to the core. In the evening, he started reading the book. It was all about ghosts and werewolves and vampires! After awhile, he grew tired, closed the book and went to bed.
But he couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning, the young man could only think of one thing: What was on the last page of the book? What will I regret seeing there?
Finally, he couldn’t take the suspense any longer. With every ounce of courage he could muster, he grabbed the black book. With trembling fingers, he opened it to the last page…
And when he saw it, at once, waves of regret filled him!
The last page was empty.
Except for a small note that said, “P49.50, National Bookstore.”
the lesson...
read the price tag! :))
ahhh...oohh...yeahhh :)
resting is nice, resting is good
i haven't blogged here for 2 days, why?
because when i go home from school, i lay at my bed and sleep for 9-10 hours...at first i regretted it because i kept getting up late, and sleeping late, and being sleepy at school. i wasn't able to finish and complete my lessons, because yeap i feel crappy...
but later on i just felt calmness and peace, i felt so good that i appreciated the time off the world has given to me...no school, no family, no yfc yfc, no work, no service or etc...its just God and me, resting together, assuring me that he would give my the proper time of rest, if i would learn how to discipline myself and rest when needed. we are human beings, and all of us get tired, not just from our work, but also i our lives. others simply just give up, that's not resting, thats fighting and not surrendering...others would just go on with their lives, and would work until death makes them crazy...
all of us needs to know how to take a break once in a while. a time for calmness, peace and serenity. not necesarily a time for prayer. but a time for reflection, a recollection of our lives...and by these things we would learn and see the blessings that have come and go, and we would learn to appreciate the upcoming ones more...
short steps, baby steps into praying, is learning how to find the calmness in your soul, the beauty and peace in your heart. and how could u do that if you have no time to rest?
so sit back, relax and allot time for you and your whole body to rest so that you may enjoy life to the fullest
in resting you shall find the strength to move on into the journey of life :)
i haven't blogged here for 2 days, why?
because when i go home from school, i lay at my bed and sleep for 9-10 hours...at first i regretted it because i kept getting up late, and sleeping late, and being sleepy at school. i wasn't able to finish and complete my lessons, because yeap i feel crappy...
but later on i just felt calmness and peace, i felt so good that i appreciated the time off the world has given to me...no school, no family, no yfc yfc, no work, no service or etc...its just God and me, resting together, assuring me that he would give my the proper time of rest, if i would learn how to discipline myself and rest when needed. we are human beings, and all of us get tired, not just from our work, but also i our lives. others simply just give up, that's not resting, thats fighting and not surrendering...others would just go on with their lives, and would work until death makes them crazy...
all of us needs to know how to take a break once in a while. a time for calmness, peace and serenity. not necesarily a time for prayer. but a time for reflection, a recollection of our lives...and by these things we would learn and see the blessings that have come and go, and we would learn to appreciate the upcoming ones more...
short steps, baby steps into praying, is learning how to find the calmness in your soul, the beauty and peace in your heart. and how could u do that if you have no time to rest?
so sit back, relax and allot time for you and your whole body to rest so that you may enjoy life to the fullest
in resting you shall find the strength to move on into the journey of life :)
music: can't stop falling in love with you
mood: colllllllllldddddddddddnesssssssss
earlier this morning we had our activity, as blind people. we learned how to trust, to be afraid of the dark, and to surrender ourselves to our guides. other than the learnings that I have that I would put in my prayer journal, one of the things i realized is...
its hard to wait...especially if you want to move on with your life...
while blindfolded, i felt as if time was very slow, and my guide "jephong" is guiding me, and yet i feel that everything around me is slow. i hated not knowing where to go, i hated not knowing whats next, i hated waiting for instructions...i hated to wait...
and just to think about it, pretty much everyone is impatient especially when it comes to romantic relationships...
when they feel crushes, they consider it as love
when they feel love, they consider it as if there is no tommorow
when they consider as if there is no tommorow, they forget about tommorow (duh)
they start dreaming while they are still in an incapable age of staying together forever resulting into broken promises and torn relationships...
i've realized...the people who waited the most, would be the ones that would be rewarded the most...because they served their time, its their turn to move forward...
never forget, you could not move forward, if you would not learn on how to be patient
p.s. sadik held my hand while i was blindfolded, and it felt...
sleeping all the way
mood: procastinating...is bad
we just had our filipino classes today, so yeah it was kinda ok because we have a new teacher...I hope we could understand the language of this new one.
maam discussed about birds, yeah so its about this flying guys who just fly around, eat, sleep and do their own way. kinda like us, but there was this one particular bird that caught my attention
it was the albatross (and no its not the one in the toilet) i am talking about the bird that usually flies around the ocean. it kinda looks like this:
aren't they afraid they won't reach their destination? their destiny?
well after thinking about those things and talking about myself inside my mind, and looking crazy because i was staring at the wall for 5-6 minutes. a thought just hit inside my head...
what if people would just let fate carry them to their destinies? better yet, why do people fight the problems, and just let the problems solve themselves, by just letting the "wind" carry them to the right direction?
what if people would be like the albatross who'll just rest and let destiny carry them? sure they might not like where they'll end up, but in the end they rested on that strenous journey and arrived there. because its there destiny...it's just the thought that surrendering that kills many people's common sense, for them to surrender is for losers, to surrender is to give up...but many armies surrendered, took a step back so that they could take 2 more steps forward...
if and only if we learn how to let God carry us to our destinations, to the solutions of our problems, and just sleep while flying...then we could learn how to treasure the simple and yet fulfilling blessings in life!so why not try as the albatross does...sleep while you fly :)
of course there's another meaning of this flying/sleeping albatross stuff, but it contains a negative message, i thought i better post more about the positive one (--)
transferring of blogs from other blogs
so yeah, i've made a decision...well i've thought about it for a very lonnnnnnggggggg time..."for 1 min" I have decided to shut down my other blogspot and livejournal and transfer them here...I won't shutdown my multiply though...there's too much blogs there...
btw...just you forget i am a teen :)
ps1...sorry for the crappy title...i don't know what else I could write...
ps2...OOHhh I got an idea...how about SUPERDUDE!
btw...just you forget i am a teen :)
ps1...sorry for the crappy title...i don't know what else I could write...
ps2...OOHhh I got an idea...how about SUPERDUDE!
Thursday, 14 January 2010
hi, hello, bonjour, kamusta, Es salaam aleikom...uhhhh? Welcome :D
hi, so yeah I am not gonna repeat what I wrote up there ^ because it took me soooo long just to find hello in arabic...like 5 seconds, because of google...*thank you google* Oh, yeah I forgot?
What is this blog for? Well I am just another teen with a blog...That's pretty much all of it! Maybe you are asking what TEEN APOLOGIST means?

You probably know what "TEEN" means, which is a hard headed, punk loving, rock hugging, hiphop singing, rnb dancing being which probably looks likes this >>>>>>>>>>>>>
"for most parents anyway" in short and Apologist meaning somekind of expert in apologizing...which adds <<<<<<<< up to teens becoming experts apologizing "hallelujah song heard by parents nationwide" then YEY!
his dad's haidoe is cool!!!
and yes...this RAREEEEEEEEEELY happens in real life
cuz ur horribly wrong :P *pun intended, if there was a pun* i don't mean to be rude, but hello again to my imaginary readers, both teens, parents, grandparents and cats alike! I am dabs, and I am the creator of this blog. As i've said i am just another teen with a blog. But this time, i am not going to talk about weird ghosts stuff, flying monkeys, school ramblings, romance stories and eck eck! "well most of the time" :)) but I am here to share, to recreate and to explore the world of apologetics. Apologetics as you may already know since you've probably "googled" or "yahooed" it already is define in the dictionary as blah blah blah...
just kidding...
Apologetics-is the defense or "apology" of your beliefs. And the Apology we are talking about here is the Apology of the Christian Catholic Faith. Correct me in the comments if i am wrong :) As I understand it. And Teen is well, hard headed.....blah blah, yeah its true. SO???WHAT HAS IT GOT TO DO WITH DEFENDING THE FAITH? Well apologetics is not just for OLD people you know! "ehem" But it is also Christ himself who has called out to the young people. Don't believe me? Let's look at Jeremiah 1:4-7
Jeremiah 1:4-7
The word of the LORD came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." "Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.
So yeah! I believe we too, are called to be defenders of our faith, and proclaimer of the gospel. But I know that we could do it in a way the teens would understand and could understand. I do not claim to well, knowww everything there is to know, or that the stuff I would write would be "INTERESTING" but ths blog would be my personal account, my journey towards my dream of becoming a certified catholic apologist. Join me if you want to? Leave me if you don't
Ok to get you guys started, I am not like those Christian Fanatics out there who say, OHHHH YOU'LL GO TO HELL!!! or OOOH!!! WE'RE THE ONLY ONE'S WHO ARE SAVED and blah blah blah! I don't just talk the talk :D I walk the talk :D So yeah I am a Christian, a catholic for one *those who want to argue catholics are not christians, don't worry we'll have plenty time on that*
I am a Christian, and yea I am a FAN of Christ, but please remove the atic, its just well...ewww...
To set the records straight...
I am a Christian, I am willing to die for my faith, I believe in the Catholic Church, I am neither liberal nor conservative Catholic. ANd I amHANDSOME! scratch that last part...
see I am random...you may be grumbling of why I am doing this randomness, but its because I am a teen, I enjoy being random...:) Its just the introduction for now, so don't expect anything serious for now!
so good bye for now guys and i Hope Ill get readers soon :) God Bless!
ps1 I have MUMPS now, so it hurts to eat popcorn...
ps2...why am I telling you this? because my popcorn's flavor is butter :)
ps3 I am leaving you a picture of this monkey to keep you smiling :)
What is this blog for? Well I am just another teen with a blog...That's pretty much all of it! Maybe you are asking what TEEN APOLOGIST means?
You probably know what "TEEN" means, which is a hard headed, punk loving, rock hugging, hiphop singing, rnb dancing being which probably looks likes this >>>>>>>>>>>>>
"for most parents anyway" in short and Apologist meaning somekind of expert in apologizing...which adds <<<<<<<< up to teens becoming experts apologizing "hallelujah song heard by parents nationwide" then YEY!
his dad's haidoe is cool!!!
and yes...this RAREEEEEEEEEELY happens in real life
cuz ur horribly wrong :P *pun intended, if there was a pun* i don't mean to be rude, but hello again to my imaginary readers, both teens, parents, grandparents and cats alike! I am dabs, and I am the creator of this blog. As i've said i am just another teen with a blog. But this time, i am not going to talk about weird ghosts stuff, flying monkeys, school ramblings, romance stories and eck eck! "well most of the time" :)) but I am here to share, to recreate and to explore the world of apologetics. Apologetics as you may already know since you've probably "googled" or "yahooed" it already is define in the dictionary as blah blah blah...
just kidding...
Apologetics-is the defense or "apology" of your beliefs. And the Apology we are talking about here is the Apology of the Christian Catholic Faith. Correct me in the comments if i am wrong :) As I understand it. And Teen is well, hard headed.....blah blah, yeah its true. SO???WHAT HAS IT GOT TO DO WITH DEFENDING THE FAITH? Well apologetics is not just for OLD people you know! "ehem" But it is also Christ himself who has called out to the young people. Don't believe me? Let's look at Jeremiah 1:4-7
The word of the LORD came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." "Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.
So yeah! I believe we too, are called to be defenders of our faith, and proclaimer of the gospel. But I know that we could do it in a way the teens would understand and could understand. I do not claim to well, knowww everything there is to know, or that the stuff I would write would be "INTERESTING" but ths blog would be my personal account, my journey towards my dream of becoming a certified catholic apologist. Join me if you want to? Leave me if you don't
Ok to get you guys started, I am not like those Christian Fanatics out there who say, OHHHH YOU'LL GO TO HELL!!! or OOOH!!! WE'RE THE ONLY ONE'S WHO ARE SAVED and blah blah blah! I don't just talk the talk :D I walk the talk :D So yeah I am a Christian, a catholic for one *those who want to argue catholics are not christians, don't worry we'll have plenty time on that*
I am a Christian, and yea I am a FAN of Christ, but please remove the atic, its just well...ewww...
To set the records straight...
I am a Christian, I am willing to die for my faith, I believe in the Catholic Church, I am neither liberal nor conservative Catholic. ANd I am
see I am random...you may be grumbling of why I am doing this randomness, but its because I am a teen, I enjoy being random...:) Its just the introduction for now, so don't expect anything serious for now!
so good bye for now guys and i Hope Ill get readers soon :) God Bless!
ps1 I have MUMPS now, so it hurts to eat popcorn...
ps2...why am I telling you this? because my popcorn's flavor is butter :)
ps3 I am leaving you a picture of this monkey to keep you smiling :)
-welcome to Teen Apologist!
Peace begins with a smile.
- Mother Teresa
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