As you guys must have noticed I have always included Jaja in the last 2 posts, well because I asked her to be my test reader to check if this blog is ok for you guys. ANyways for those who don't know Jaja, she is a Rabbit who hops around...
Just kidding...
She's a dog...
no...She's a fellow YFC who serves side by side with me to God! So yeah, thanks Ja!
Now As you've seen my title is all about Beautiful Unicorn, but yeah! This REALLY fits the topic. Cause now I am talking about the Pope...Yea! So how the heck is the POPE related to the Magical Unicorns? Well they both are white...TAHDA!!! Ok? Don't get the joke? Never mind...
They had one great similarity...The Unicorn is a made up being, while the pope is a true being where there are many made up things about him. For short....the unicorn as a myth, the pope also suffers from MYTHS that are made about him. My aim in this article is to defend our Holy Father the Pope from these "controversies" in my own personal random way. As a teen, I know that my opinion won't matter that much, but I know that I could share what I know and possibly learn more!
Here are the....
Top 10 Myths about the Pope
1) The Pope is the Great Beast
2) The Papacy is a Medieval Invention
3) The Pope cannot make mistakes
4) Pope Joan
5) Sedes Stercoraria
6) Peter was not the first Pope
7) The Pope is not the successor of Peter
8) The Pope is the richest man on earth
9) The Pope is against science
10) The current Pope is an illegitimate Pope since Vatican II happened
Let me tear this arguments limb from limb! APART! RAWRRRRR! Oooopss? Sorry, I must be gentle on this one :) So yeah I just like being random you see, cause it removes the aura of "SERIOUSNESS" in this blog. However my mission and intentions are sincere, and that is to study and become a great apologist someday. So for starters I am gonna try to defend this top 10 myths about the catholic pope without copying and pasting from other sources. Well except the pictures and ideas yea. However as I do this article I researched of course and I'll try to defend the following issues in Catholic light as much as I can.
1) The Pope is the Great Beast on Revelation and Daniel
Ok so this argument, so many people tend to argue that the Pope, is the Anti Christ! WOAH! ANTI CHRIST?!?! Really? This is just a fairy tale imagination made up by those Anti Catholics...Some even claim he could be Dath Sidious... So maybe some of you who are clueless, the Anti Christ is the one who would come in the end of the world and claim to be the Christ and be God on earth. One of the common arguments for this is the word VICARIUS FILII where if you add the roman numerals correspondingly you end up with the number 666 which is the number of the Anti Christ...I don't wanna burst your cheescake or anything...but the Pope never used the title VICARIUS FILII DEI. A list of the titles the Pope used such as Pope, Supreme Pontiff, Servant of the servants of God, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ and etc. But if you look at every Vatican Archive, ancient documents, the Pope didn't use any title VICARIUS FILII DEI, sure some peopleccalled him that way, but he himself never personally used it. Just look at the documents. And besides, try a couple of names and 666 could even add up. Another argument is that he supposedly claims to be God as is said in some encyclicals which are misinterpreted, which I am gonna state here....
Pope Boniface VIII: We declare, assert, define and pronounce: To be subject under the Roman Pontiff is for every human creature altogether necessary for salvation!
MY GOSH!!! MY GOSH! What happened?!? Why did the Pope declare himself to be necessary for salvation? Well, obviously! Okay to get matters straight first, Christ died on the cross and purchased salvation for all of us. The Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Atheist and etc. That's why all people are a part of God's Plan of salvation. The same way, all Christians are part of God's eternal plan. Since the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, every human creature belongs to Christ, and is a part of his Church. However we can choose to reject his love and leave his Body/Church. All of us are a part of the Church informally, but only Catholics are part of the church FORMALLY, because they live in the fullness of the faith. Some people who don't know and didn't even hear about Christ but did what they thought was good could go to heaven since they are a part of the church, the mystical body of christ since he has already purchased them on his death on the cross. However those who know that the Catholic Faith or the Christian Faith is the true faith and yet still rejected its moralities and teachings by living differently or because of their own selfish reasons, they are putting themselves and choosing to be separated from the church. Now the Church is governed by the Pope because Christ has instituted him as the head of the church *more on this later* then the church is subject under the Pope. Since being with the church is necessary for salvation, it is therefore necessary for one to be subject under the Roman Pontiff who is the Pope serving God, and since the Pope is a servant of God being under the servant God is acknowledging God's power and therefore placing under his Mystical Body which is necessary for salvation. THAT! Woooh, that's soo tiring! Ok. So the pope cannot be the Anti Christ because he never claimed to be God nor did he claim to replace Christ as God.
2) The Papacy is a Medieval Invention
3) The Pope cannot make mistakes
Okay, this case is more related on the dogma of Infallibility which states that the Roman Pontiff when teaching to all Christians as the Head of the Church and Bishop of Rome is never wrong in Matter of Faith and Morals. Now some Christians claims that this means the Pope cannot sin. Well the dogma of Infallibility is clearly misrepresented here, it doesn't mean that the Pope cannot ere in his life. Of course he could sin! He is just a human being. There are numerous Popes who sinned and are embarrassment to Church History. Nor does this mean that they would be always correct in their personal beliefs or opinion. Take the case for Galileo it's a case for Science and not for faith nor morals. They are human the same way as us. But the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus Christ to guide the Pope in proclaiming doctrine is what we trust here. We trust the prayer of Jesus to Simon Peter that his faith may not fail him because he'll be the one to lead the flock. Why its even better to believe one Infallible Pope than thousands of Infallible Bible Alone Christians? Am I correct?
4) Pope Joan
Pope Joan is a legendary female Pope who supposedly reigned for a few years some time during the Middle Ages. The story first appeared in the writings of 13th-century chroniclers, and subsequently spread through Europe. It was widely believed for centuries, though modern historians and religious scholars consider it fictitious, perhaps deriving from historicized folklore regarding Roman monuments or from anti-papal satire.Most modern scholars dismiss Pope Joan as a Medieval legend. The Oxford Dictionary of Popes acknowledges that this legend was widely believed for centuries, even among Catholic circles, but declares that there is "no contemporary evidence for a female Pope at any of the dates suggested for her reign," and goes on to say that "the known facts of the respective periods make it impossible to fit "a female Pope" in" although this is disputed due to the Liber Pontificalis, the only continuous record of 9th Century Popes, not being considered entirely accurate with regard to dates of succession and deaths with many of these dates known to be wholly invented.In 1601, Pope Clement VIII declared the legend of the female Pope to be untrue. The famous bust of her, inscribed Johannes VIII, Femina ex Anglia, which had been carved for the series of Papal figures in the Duomo of Siena about 1400 and was noted by travelers, was either destroyed or recarved and relabeled, replaced by a male figure, of Pope Zachary “Between Leo IV and Benedict III, where Martinus Polonus places her, she cannot be inserted, because Leo IV died 17 July 855, and immediately after his death Benedict III was elected by the clergy and people of Rome. No source describing a female Pope exists from earlier than the mid-12th Century, almost exactly four hundred years after the time when Pope Joan allegedly existed. It is hard to believe that an event like a Pope unexpectedly giving birth in public and being stoned to death would not be mentioned by any writers or historians at the time
5) Sedes Stercoraria
So people that's part 1 of my Pope Article! I hope you like it...
I am kinda lazy to continue this now I'll continue it tommorow!
Thanks and God Bless
its 1:37 AM...And I am still awake...
ps1 watch out for my coming out book....the pencil mouse
ps2 just joking...or is it >:)
ps2137621963 CHEEEEESCAKE!!!!
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