Friday, 15 January 2010

a time capsule

If I were given a chance to place in the time capsule 3 things...

The first thing I would put is a Photo Album, not of me but of all the people that made a difference in my life. The pictures of the people who became a part of me, and made me who I am today. The picture of my classmates in Highschool, my parents, my yfc community, my friends, and everyone I met and made an impact on who I am...

The second thing I would put is a Crucifix, to signify my faith and belief in my Savior. That even though a lot of storms came through and almost crumbled my life, I still stood firm by the side of my God. As a Roman Catholic, a Christian, and a Child of the living God.

The last thing that I would a rock. in where all of my blog sites are engraved...

Why in a rock you asked?

because unlike gold, it doesn't rust...unlike paper it doesn't turn into ashes

because as simple it may be

that rock would last forever


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