Saturday, 5 June 2010

The Vegetable Incident

Reporting live from Baguio City, Philippines! Sorry for my imaginary readers, its only this time after weeks that we got our inet, so here I am alive and kickin! Will blog daily for your entertainment, reflections and etc! 

the story
It was a sunny, a dark was kinda blurry, ah forget it...It was a new day! Me and my mother bought vegetables from the Palengke yesterday and taught me how to bargain with people. And I do need to learn how to bargain Filipino style because back in Abu Dhabi I have to say Last Price, and Good Price, but here you have to talk and talk and talk and talk until you have lowered the price enough for your preferences. So yea, we went around the market, a lot of beautiful ladies there, and yea beautiful men too, and by beautiful I get what I mean.

I saw live crabs, and I was kinda jumpy about that. I have to carry almost 20-25 kilos of market food around as my mother bought this VEGETABLES!!! Telling me all the way that she's gonna teach me to eat vegetables. And note, I DON'T EAT VEGETABLES, as the matter of FACT I hate those things...because of their taste. I do eat however Cucumbers, Potatoes (French Fries), and Tomatoes (Ketchup). So yea I was just telling myself...ahh goodluck mother...I am just gonna eat SOME while you're here. So yeah.

Fast forward, in the sunny, dark, blurry new DAY. I woke up with a BACK ACHE, that really messed me up for the whole day. I just lay down the whole day. And good thing that was, because that day my mother decided to cook Sitaw and Kangkong. So yeah I though I escaped...I was wrong, when I went out I was FORCED to eat because I haven't eaten anything for the whole day. So yea I needed to eat that accursed Sitaw and Kangkong, picking a few big chunks of pork cooked with it. I escaped with hotdog at last...

The next day...I ate again before we left for SM, and yes I ate again the Kangkong and Sitaw...and you know what the moment we stepped into SM, my stomach started revolting. As in revolting...BADD!!! It sounds like a roaring tiger mixed with crying hayeenas and a hot winter's day. It's like the 9 of a 7 cycled washing machine...In short...BAADD. I tried to keep it in as I could hold it for a while, but it grew bad by the minute. Until I reallly have to go to the bathroom. And there...the heaven's opened...

I went out of the bathroom happy and smiling, probably people though I was crazy, but no, I rushed back inside because, there it is again...And it hit me...something caused this...this...BAD REVOLT...ACCURSED STOMACH!!! THE SITAW AND KANGKONG! I KNEW IT!!! VEGETABLES ARE BAD!!! And so it took me a long time till I got out of the bathroom. After that  I finally complained to my mom and said...

THAT VEGETABLE YOU MADE ME EAT DID THIS...Did this...horrible stuff in my tummy. It hurts now. She told me that the vegetable was just CLEANING my stomach...and it had to adjust...And I was like huwah??? I don't wanna eat vegetables anymore because VEGETABLES HAVE bad side effects on me such as THIS!!!

the way it is hot...

the lesson
Good things, when kept away from people for a long time does not make it bad from them. However it alienates them, because people start to learn living without good things. Without the values, morality and etc. Just like how I lived most of my life without vegetables only with meat, doesn't made the vegetables bad things...*even though i think they are* no, my body adjusted according to what I eat, thus rejected what was originally good for me. The same way that we live our lives...The longer we live in darkness and in sin, the more that the good things would hurt us more as we go near it.

That's why when people want to change for bad its easy, but when people change for the better its harder. Because their system, once used to the easy life, to the good life that seems good at first, but with over excess ruins their system and confuses their body, that when the better things, the good things in life goes closer to them, their souls would reject it. However the effects of the Good "Food" would remain good, it does not reject the body, however cleanses it from the sin and dirty stuff inside it. As the body adjusts to these good things, it would suffer for sure, it would be hurt, there would be pain...but all of it would be the cause of ending up in sin and bad things in the first place...The Good stuff would cleanse the body, the mind and the spirit. That's why at this early...start eating healthy

and start living fully :) by praying



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