Saturday, 15 May 2010

ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS: A Catholic Teen's Point of View on Women's Ordination

So yeah I am posting something here in Latin? And I know its pretty confusssingg to most of my readers, as my readers are not that interested in these kind of stuff. Just you to know that besides being a CFC YFC Member, Multimedia Artist, and Crazy Person. I am also a practicing in training Catholic Apologists. Yes, my ladies and gentlemen I want to be a teen Catholic Apologist. My stand on Roman Catholicism is NEVER LIBERAL, somewhat Conservative, I accept and recognize the Vatican Council II and all the other councils before it, 100% Traditionalist...Charismatic Practicing Catholic...In short...I am a Roman Catholic Christian, and i stand by the issues and fully agree 100% on the decision of 1st the Roman Catholic Church (a.k.a. Vatican) on moral and doctrinal issues, 2nd by the POPE, the visible sheperd of the Church, and 3rd by the Congregation of the Doctrines of Faith, a commission based on scriptures, tradition and magesterium and not by "CONCIENCE" as claimed by Liberal CatholYcs.

So yeah, I was kinda ranting on the past paragraph, so to get on to my 2nd apologetic write up. The Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, and my point of view on it. So welcome to my 2nd apologetic write up on the subject and God Bless!

Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: A Catholic Teens Point of View.
Dedicated to Mr. Larry D, the person who inspired me to defend the church in face of fake errors for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and the defense of his Church... And I vow to join him, with many of the Catholic Apologists, together with our Pope in defending the Catholic Faith from the WOLVES from without and WITHIN. May God continue to bless you...
his website may be found here

I really liked his's awesome and redefined and again refueled my burning desire for apologetics.
Guess what's wrong with this picture?

Yeahh!!! ok ok, besides the Multi Colored Robes, the overly designed Priestly Garments and the person that I don't know if is a guy or a lady (person with green and yellow priestly robe that looks like fruit). Yeahh!!!You're right! I spy a woman raising her hands, and ohh what's this? being congratulated on being what? WHAT ORDAINED as a PRIEST?! Yea, a priest, and that's not the surprising part. I shouldn't have cared if she was Episcopalian, Anglican or any of those stuff. No, she claims to be catholic. Oh my gosh...a Catholic Woman Priest!?!? Since when! let's get ordained already!

Ever since I've started reading Mr. Larry D's blog I 've been pretty shocked with the situation of Catholic Churches abroad, because in the Philippines I rarely see this stupid confused women ordained as priests. So here goes the question why does the Church "FORBID" the ordination of women priests? Doesn't it VIOLATE the INCLUSIVENESS??? Jesus wanted for his Church? Isn't there a verse in the New Testament talking about the Priesthood of Believers including women? Ahhh soo many questions soo limited blog space and time. So let me first answer the question...Why does the Church Forbid the Ordination of Women Priests? Here I present to you Pope John Paul II the Great on the matter. And i really liked his STRONG statement and decision on this matter. It's black and white, no loopholes and straight to the point. Kinda like St. Peter when he Infallibly proclaimed Jesus to be the Messiah on Matthew 16:18.

Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful.

Woww, what a direct to the point statement. The Holy Pontiff himself using his authority as the Bishop of Rome, declared that the Church has no AUTHORITY whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on Women, and that this JUDGEMENT is to be definitively HELD by ALL the Church's FAITFUL.

Well there you go, all the Church's FAITHFUL he says. Praise God! If only these were enough with our hardheaded confused liberal bretheren. In short the Ordinatio Sacerdotalis is a Papal Apostolic Letter on all the Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church to clarify the Church's stand on ordination. Thus people who does not hold this document as final and rather choose to disobey it...are FAITHLESS, they are not upholding to the simple LOGIC presented by the Pope on his decision. But as Christ showed Patience with sinners, *NOT TOLERANCE* I'll be here to present by point of view and defend the Pope's decision on this matter.

Women priests, organizations and such claiming for equality always seems to confuse and misinterpret the role of men and women in the Church. They claim that the restriction on women ordination is an attack on their equality status blah blah blah. Let me make a statement on this statement that I have considered as truth for the last 17 years of my teen I am only 17 :P

They are equal in their word and dignity
But not the same in their God given Roles and Mandate

God has given man and women different roles as per their calling as different genders. Women are called to Motherhood while Men are called to Fatherhood. Men are called to Provide as Women are called to Support her husband. Call me sexist as many feminist and equality people blah blah people now a days claim. But this is what I stand for. Because this is what God has instituted. Want proof?

To solve this "equality" claim let us go back to the time when God created Adam and Eve. Then Eve sinned because of her desire for POWER, and Adam is not off the hook because he failed to defend Eve from the deceptions of the serpent.

1) Woman is to be under Man

Genesis 3:16
To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
Ooohhh NOOOO?!?! Does this mean God is SEXIST?!!? No, he is just passing judgement on Eve as to her sin, of wanting to be in command (a.k.a. GOD) by making her be subject under the obedience of her husband. Yes folks, God has instituted this kind of order in the world. Even before they had Children. There should be only ONE HEAD because 2 Heads would create a MONSTER, thus God has given Adam the Role to LEAD Eve, and at the same time given him the role as the PASTOR, PROVIDER and PROTECTOR of his Wife. This does not mean Eve is not equal in adam, no, rather Eve completes Adam's imperfections and supports his being the protector. As adam cannot bear children, take care of the home, emotionally senstive, and etc etc. In other words, Adam leads his Family, while Eve supports Adam. Their roles here are presnted as Different, they are equal, they both have rights to live, to worship, to be respected, and etc etc. But as the President of a country and a School Janitor, they are equal in their rights, but have different roles to act upon society. In this case...God instituted Man to be Head and Woman to follow.

2) Woman was created for MAN
Yeap folks, that's right, and I am not merely stating a factless emotional opinion here, but rather what I understand as stated on the Holy Bible. As stated in Genesis 2:18-23
emphasis mine
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, for she was taken out of man.

Adam realized the importance of Eve, her role to play in creation. He considered her a Bone of his Bone, a Flesh of his Own Flesh. But as you see in my emphasis, God saw that man was lonely and Man needed a companion. So God created Woman. Woman is created for Man! Woman was created to be a companion of Man. To be the helper of Man in governing Creation. Man is not made for woman, neither they were made at the same time. Man was made first, to show example that he is instituting a lasting order of things, that he created Man for the purpose to Govern his creation as the Leader, and created Woman for Man to have a HELPER in Governing his creation. Therefore Woman was created to Follow the directions given by God through Man.

3) Wives Submit to your Husbands
As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

Ooohh, here goes the liberals claiming now that the person who said this is SEXIST and too traditional and not able to adjust to the times and blah blah blah. Just to let you know before you start pointing your fake styrofoam staffs. The person who wrote this is the GREAT ST. PAUL! Yes LADIES and GENTLEMEN! St. Paul. 1 Corinthians 14:33-35

St. Paul was aware of God's order on Adam and Eve. In where God has instituted Adam as the head of the family. But this time, that God has institued a Universal Family (Catholic Family) It should be clarified that MEN are still called upon by God as the leaders of his Family. Of the Church. Saint Paul even said that it is DISGRACEFUL for a woman to speak in Church, what does this mean? It doesn't mean women's voices are not be heard. But they are not allowed to teach and gave homilies and those stuff that are only reserved for Priests. St. Paul is reemphasizing a thousand year old God given order/mandate on this matter that Men are called to Lead, and woman are called to support and follow man. At the same time Man must not abuse the equality and dignity of the women following them. Do I hear a big AMEN?

Now that we have established that Men and Women are Equal but not the same, and that Men are called to Lead and Women are to Follow, and God has instituted it this way. Let us proceed to Christ choosing his disciples. Now mind you, Christ let all follow him, men and women alike. He allowed this as he calls for everyone to be his disciple. However he only chose 12 apostles, 12 primary disciples that he knows who would carry on his mission as the foundations of the church. And notice here that he has chosen only MEN, not just because this is the current "TREND" of the "TIMES" or that was the "NORM" back then, but because Jesus was FULLY aware of the Priestly line of the Jewish Tradition, the Levites in where they are set apart from the people. Although God has called everyone to be Priests, this is meant to be the evangelizers, everyone is called to take part on the mission of proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, but as he said only a few are called to be the Presbyters, the PASTORS of the people, the leaders, the PROTECTORS of Christ's gospel the PROVIDERS of God's Body and Blood the Eucharist. Do I hear something...something familiar...BOOM! The role of MEN in the Family. The role of MEN in society to lead. And Christ knows this perfectly he said this and practiced it. So you FAKE CONFUSED women priests, out there, stop saying it's what Christ could've wanted...because you haven't seen him living, breathing, eating, and talking to you. He instituted a Church to protect us from this errors. It was his Choice as God for this to happen, and how to conduct it this way.

We've always defined the Church as a HER "NO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS HERE" because she has CHILDREN, and because Mother Mary is the Model of the Church. The Church is the Bride of Christ who is the Groom. Wanna know why priests are celibate (more articles about this later) it's because they are in persona Christi. Person acting for Christ. Because it is Christ who moves in them, Christ who lives in them and acts in the. Thus they are already married, committed to the Church. As the Bride! They are the Grooms Men, the Groom of the Church who is the Bride. Of course this has not effect on those Dissidents because they believe in same sex sodomitic homosexual marriage. So it's okay for them :))

Christ never mentioned PRIESTESS, or PRESBYTERESS, because they didn't see the need for such. They didn't accept and agree on that matter. As you see it is not just theologically incorrect to say Women Priests, it is also gramatically incorrect as they are PRIESTESS, they are PRIESTESS in the language defined as it shows a FEMININE argument. Now see here that only Pagans have priestess...perhaps??? Noo...but...what if??? Hmmm


my comments in red
1. One priesthood in Christ
Through baptism women and men share equally in the new priesthood of Christ. This includes openness to Holy Orders.

so if I were to follow your logic, so is the people who are teens, children, gays, lesbians, gay who are lesbians and no matter their status is as long as they are baptized, they can preside in Holy Orders? You are misinterpreting the Priesthood of Believers presented by Christ which is for the mission to Evangelize and proclaim the Gospel, but not to Pastor his flock. So if everyone can share equally the priesthood then that means everyone can become a priest? So who needs laity and 10 years of study and prayer? Everyone is uin the priesthood of Christ you say.
2. Empowered to preside

At the Last Supper Jesus empowered both women and men. Both can be ordained to preside at the Eucharist.
At the last supper Jesus only had his 12 Apostels (Men) in the table. Now some Feminists claim Women are also present, well I agree. He empowered men and women alike. AGREE. But he didn not Empower both to preside. Only to his Apostles did he gave authority, only to his Apostles he gave a special gift to forgive and not to forgive. So what were the women doing at the last supper? Serving ofcourse! They were serving the Lord through cooking, fixing the table, and providing the necessities needed by the Apostles. And they didn't even complain about being not treated equally and started rallying and proclaiming radical theologies and then claiming that there exist a Girl Jesus. How great is that! They were humble and submitted to the authority of Christ and to the men he has appointed over them. To lead them. To pastor them, to Provide for them, and to Protect them!

3. Cultural bias

The Church’s practice of not ordaining women as priests was based on a three-fold prejudice against women. This affected the judgment of Church leaders.

Show me proof, that it is a prejudice against women...Then you would go on presenting conspiracy theories about having a female Jesus name Jesuette and SHE was erased in history and was made man because of prejudice against women. Want proof and defense why women were not ordained as priest? Holy Scriptures ain't enough for you? Church Documents seem too restrictive? Then go the the Church FATHERS!!! *ooopss*

4. Women have been deacons
Until at least the ninth century the Church gave women the full sacramental ordination of deacons. This proves women can be ordained.

Again, please provide me a document, a proof, and please let it be signed and proclaimed valid by the Pope of the current time, and not of a schismatic bishop or a heretical priest or a wayward prophet. Only then would I agree on this, as long as it is considered valid by the Pope.

5. The ability for women to be ordained has been present in the Church’s latent Tradition.

One example is the age-long devotion to Mary as Priest. It shows that, according to the ‘sense of the faithful’, in Mary the ban against women has already been overcome.

Huwatt?!?!? Age long devotion as a priest?!?! HUWAT?!!? Sacrilegous. Mama Mary, herself didn't claim priesthood. She was venerated as the Mother of God, Mother of the Church, our Mother and our guidance, but never as a priest. Even Pope John Paul II a HARD CORE!!! \m/ Devottee of the Blessed Virgin Mary disapproved of this matter. Did you read about Mama Mary teaching? or presiding about anything? A verse in the Bible says she knew all of these things (Christ's teachings) by heart and contemplated upon them in SILENCE! Seee she is a handmaiden of the Lord, obedient to his word, and obedient to the order he has established.

6. The wider Church accepts women priests

After serious study and prayer other Christian Churches now ordain women as priests. Though not everything other Churches do can be accepted by the Catholic Church, this converging consensus by believing Christians confirms that ordaining women is according to the mind of Christ.

This is a contridactory statement I'll just laugh it off. You say not everything other Churches do can be accepted by the Catholic Church and yet you claim that we can accept this as permissable because a MAJORITY of the Christians allowed it? Because DEMOCRACY applies? That's why God's Church is NEVER democratic, but rather a Kingdom...(more on this on later articles) he instituted a deciding factor body on this decision, it doesn't mean the voices of the People is God's will...heck no...Soo you're saying Christ to be crucified *majority by the way* was justifyable. Please....a simple 17 year old could see the loopholes in your loggic that taints the image of the Church.

7. Women too are, in fact, called to be priests

The fact that many responsible Catholic women discern in themselves a vocation to the priesthood is a sign of the Holy Spirit we may not ignore.

Conclusion: there are no valid arguments against women priests, and many truly Catholic arguments in favour!

The Church stands in the Modern World Strong and Faithful! To the ever standing tradition, discipline and doctrine on God Given roles to Men and Women. Popes of entire history has re-affirmed this decision over and over again. And our Pope Benedic XVI is defending it and upholding the legacy left by PopeJohn Paul II the Great. The question is not the shortage of priests, the commitment of the people or inclusiveness or such. The question is...God's Will. Is this his WILL for his Church.

Thankfully he has annointed leaders to govern us. Strong men to lead us, and faithful women (religious sisters) to support this men in upholding the truth on his Church and on his people

To God be the glory


Larry D your comment is to be HIGHLY!!! Appreciated :P I would like you to know that I became a follower of your blog and an avid supporter of your cause. Hats off to you Bro!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out - I'm humbled that you consider me your inspiration.

    Best of luck on your apologetics endeavor!



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