Tuesday, 13 April 2010

an simply amazing day ^^

well what else could I say...simple days are amazing days :)

today I got to wake up in the morning, not feeling sucky, tired and bad...I just woke up feeling sleepy, but I got the feeling of peace inside me, the feeling of being relaxed for that single moment, and dare I treasured it throughout the day. When I got to school, for once the door was not locked, and I was able to go inside intending to sleep, but since I got to school 15 minutes late of my usual timing, Mitch and Josh were already there so I sat down with them and laptopped :>

That day, we almost didn't have any lessons, it was a day of rest and break...however, some of our teachers still taught lessons, well of course I was feeling sleepy and all, but I tried my best to fight it off. After the lessons of those teachers, we just came back with our laptop works. You could just see the classroom, full of people using laptops, we had 6 laptops in the room being used, in the second period after lunch. I went down to check with KC the money of the SSC, and we talked about random stuff, and she hurt really really really bad. But we got to finish the checking of budget. We hid the money on its "SECRET" location then I said goodbye and etc. As the third period begins everyone just scrambles up to Justine's MACBOOK and watched SAW V. I guess they didn't like it...heck I myself DESPISEEE SAW V!!! Although I am a fan of the SAW series.

After the laptops, at last period we got to answer our Algebraic Activities which I was surprised that I GET IT! Even though I don't listen and my mind just wanders off from time to time, thank God for this privilege. After in which we started to clean up the place and I went down worrying about how to go to Sophia's place, since I didn't know where it was. Since everyone was supposed to be in Dar Al-Shifa as soon as possible, and I was required to stay at school until 4:00 PM to finish up my constitutional review with Sir Chad. When  went to the Science Laboratory, 10 minutes later, Josh, Charles and Mitch appeared. After 20 minutes charles said goodbye, and I asked mitch when they'll go, they said 4:20, and I requested them to wait for me. Thank you, because they waited for me.

After walking the shortcuts, hearing Mitch complaining to Josh about walking and the fueneral girls that were following us, we got to Dar Al-Shifa in where we were criticized by the people...90% of the crew who were already there for being late...although this was our first time. After discussing and waiting for one of the crew members, we just left and started walking to sophia's place...IT WAS LIKE A MAZE! I felt that I left Abu DHabi for a second...We walked for 20 minutes, then stayed at sophia idly for 15 minutes. When we started shooting, with missing casts, we decided to make much of what's left. Josh became Padre Camorra, and I am Tandang Pablo "I think" We started shooting in this open areas, roads and etc. Then as darkness approaches,we were able to shoot the necessary scenes outside and shot the remaining scenes inside. After going around the Villa and etc. After trying different angles, getting tripped over, ridiculous cuts, and etc. We've done it! After running up and down the stairs, after having awkward moments of Julie's almost rape scenes, after eating all of the food in Sophia's house and Sophia dressing like a chinese woman just to look like a sacristian, we  DID IT! And decided to go home to continue shooting timings for tommorow.

While walking home we were able to have fun, scaring each other while walking. Looking at stuffs, at the eyes looking back at us, running back and forth and screaming. After 15-20 minutes of doing this horseplay we were able to get our taxis together with mitch and Kevin I rode a taxi home...

This is one of those days, those days that we could cherish and treasure, moments that would make us laugh and cry. Moments that would surely make us smile whenever we think about them. Moments  are more memorable and cherish-able if laughter, happiness, friendship, and love are found in them :)


ps1...UII BRIDGE! :P La lng :D
ps2...its cold inside here my parents room, and the fan is blowing right at me...
ps3...break from cutting and trimming for now...ssc stuff and resolutions na muna ;)

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