Monday, 31 August 2009
why is it?
music: i can't stop falling in love with you
mood: nilalamiggggggggggggggggggggggg
earlier this morning we had our activity, as blind people. we learned how to trust, to be afraid of the dark, and to surrender ourselves to our guides. other than the learnings that I have that I would put in my prayer journal, one of the things i realized is...
its hard to wait...especially if you want to move on with your life...
while blindfolded, i felt as if time was very slow, and my guide "jephong" is guiding me, and yet i feel that everything around me is slow. i hated not knowing where to go, i hated not knowing whats next, i hated waiting for instructions...i hated to wait...
and just to think about it, pretty much everyone is impatient especially when it comes to romantic relationships...
when they feel crushes, they consider it as love
when they feel love, they consider it as if there is no tommorow
when they consider as if there is no tommorow, they forget about tommorow (duh)
they start dreaming while they are still in an incapable age of staying together forever resulting into broken promises and torn relationships...
i've realized...the people who waited the most, would be the ones that would be rewarded the most...because they served their time, its their turn to move forward...
never forget, you could not move forward, if you would not learn on how to be patient
p.s. sadik held my hand while i was blindfolded, and it felt...
Sunday, 30 August 2009
sleeping all the way
mood: bad
we just had our filipino classes today, so yeah it was kinda ok because we have a new teacher...I hope we could understand the language of this new one.
maam discussed about birds, yeah so its about this flying guys who just fly around, eat, sleep and do their own way. kinda like us, but there was this one particular bird that caught my attention
it was the albatross (and no its not the one in the toilet) i am talking about the bird that usually flies around the ocean. it kinda looks like this:
one thing about them, is that they could sleep while flying. what in the world are they thinking?!?!?! i mean aren't they afraid they would be led somewhere dangerous. and even worse, they'll just let the wind carry them over, not minding what happens next, just letting it carry them...
aren't they afraid they won't reach their destination? their destiny?
well after thinking about those things and talking about myself inside my mind, and looking crazy because i was staring at the wall for 5-6 minutes. a thought just hit inside my head...
what if people would just let fate carry them to their destinies? better yet, why do people fight the problems, and just let the problems solve themselves, by just letting the "wind" carry them to the right direction?
what if people would be like the albatross who'll just rest and let destiny carry them? sure they might not like where they'll end up, but in the end they rested on that strenous journey and arrived there. because its there's just the thought that surrendering that kills many people's common sense, for them to surrender is for losers, to surrender is to give up...but many armies surrendered, took a step back so that they could take 2 more steps forward...
if and only if we learn how to let God carry us to our destinations, to the solutions of our problems, and just sleep while flying...then we could learn how to treasure the simple and yet fulfilling blessings in life!
so why not try as the albatross does...sleep while you fly :)
of course there's another meaning of this flying/sleeping albatross stuff, but it contains a negative message, i thought i better post more about the positive one (--)
Saturday, 29 August 2009
my new blog
so yeah you guys probably have seen my solidyfc blog on multiply, my solidyfc blog on blogspot and etc. and its been ages ever since I've updated them. well this is my last try, and would be my hopefully official blog that i could look back unto when i grow old :)
ill be updating this but not regularly like in live journal...
my short thoughts and etc, would be there, while my whereabouts would be listed on my twitter
kalat sa internet n0h? well ive been using my friend mr. internet (i prefer him to be a boy don't ask why) for almost 5 years now, so you could probably see me around...
ill not bother to cancel my friendster, multiply, plurk, facebook, and aq accounts, because maybe, and just maybe i might use them someday!
so holla! bye! gbu!
p.s. no to gayhood!
ill be updating this but not regularly like in live journal...
my short thoughts and etc, would be there, while my whereabouts would be listed on my twitter
kalat sa internet n0h? well ive been using my friend mr. internet (i prefer him to be a boy don't ask why) for almost 5 years now, so you could probably see me around...
ill not bother to cancel my friendster, multiply, plurk, facebook, and aq accounts, because maybe, and just maybe i might use them someday!
so holla! bye! gbu!
p.s. no to gayhood!
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